On Wspólna, episode 2715: The tragic death of Natalia. How will Marc's lover die? – PHOTOS



Z. Sekuła

Died in "Na Wspólnej"! In 2715 episode "Na Wspólnej" there will be an unimaginable tragedy. Marek (Grzegorz Gzyl) will learn from the police that his lover Natalia (Laura Breszka) has died. Zimiński will be so shocked that at first he will not believe the officers at all. What will happen to Natalia? Under what circumstances will Natalia die?

"On Wspólna" episode 2715 – Wednesday, 18/07/2018, at 20:15 in TVN

In "Na Wspólnej", there will be a real tragedy! In episode 2715, Natalia and Mark's Day will start like the others. Zimiński will collect the remaining objects of Danuta (Lucyna Malec) and return to his beloved. Soon, the couple will start talking about the renovation of the apartment. In the end, they decided to create a loving family for a tiny Szymon (Olivia Glanowska), and some changes would be needed

Both in 2715 episode of "Na Wspólnej" will be incredibly happy that after all the Adversity they finally have plans together for the future and are able to achieve them in a short period of time. On this occasion, Natalia decides to go to the beautician to be able to admire the beauty of Mark in the evening. Unfortunately, on the way back, there will be a disaster.

Marek in 2715 episode "Na Wspólnej" will open the door of the police. Holding his son in his arms, he will learn that Natalia is dead – she died under the wheels of a car! An intensive rescue operation did not yield the desired results and the woman did not have a chance to survive the accident.

Zimiński will not be able to get rid of the shock. The next day, in episode 2715 "Na Wspólnej", he will go to the morgue to confirm Natalia's identity. After returning home, he ignores his son and plunges into despair. Soon, Danuta will also learn about the tragedy … I will help my ex-partner

It's really hard for Mark. In mourning, he will have to get back on his feet quickly. Will he manage as a single father? Only time will tell.

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