ONLY WITH US: Dominika Zasiewska on the relationship with Rutkowski


The last days in the gossip media have been marked by the mutual exchange of accusations between Dominika Zasiewska and Krzysztof Rutkowski.

Dominika Zasiewska showed a photo taken at Rutkowski's, in their t-shirt

Wodzianka accused Rutkowski of being engaged in this relationship with complete premeditation, which he later denied. Dominika covered the Internet with her previous correspondence with Krzysztof, she showed pictures and movies she was shooting when she met the detective.

Rutkowski did not take responsibility for the case that could harm his girlfriend at the time, Maya. This made Dominika nervous.

Zasiewska was at the Playboy of the Year Award yesterday. We asked her how she felt after the media adventure with Rutkowski:

– I'm not a person with unstable emotions, so I know what I'm doing and what's waiting for me – said Wodzianka. – I feel that I left with a defensive hand, because every situation in which any behavior deviates from widely accepted social norms and harms different people – and if such behavior is stigmatizing, it is good. name, because I did not really invent, I did not suck this relationship with my finger. I am neither psychophile nor have I ever been. I also wanted to warn other women that they would not be fooled. What I wanted, I did it. That's it.

Of course, I know what hate is. I do not read it. Sometimes, if anything falls into my hands, I'm really sorry, but I knew what it was, I had to take it into account, even if I said A, I had to say B and take it on the chest, concludes -she.

Krzysztof Rutkowski, REQUIRES an affair with Wodzianka: I have a weakness for women

Dominika also said what she had learned after her separation from Rutkowski:

– I learned a lot from my old partner Piotr, but after this break with Krzysztof Rutkowski, I learned to fight and to have the courage to speak out loud about what I want, of what I want. Have the courage to say loudly: it hurts me, do not do it to me, I do not want it. I do not want to be number two, I do not want to be number three. I learned to fight for myself. Very.

ONLY WITH US: Dominika Zasiewska on the relationship with Rutkowski

ONLY WITH US: Dominika Zasiewska on the relationship with Rutkowski

ONLY WITH US: Dominika Zasiewska on the relationship with Rutkowski

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