Open Festival 2018 Day 2. Depeche Mode, Massive Attack and Charismatic David Byrne


Open & Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA

Kajetan Kurkiewicz, Tomasz Kowalewicz |

The second day of Open & # 39; er Festival 2018 is the dream of Depeche Mode fans, the charismatic David Byrne, who said: We read about what is happening in Poland now. We keep our fingers crossed for you! and the concert Massive Attack where at "Inertia Creeps" on the screens in the background were posted quotes from newspapers and titles, among others "European Union, save the Polish courts".

Open & Festival 2018. Neofolk sounds of Kujawy

How to combine modern sounds with Kujaw's traditional music? The answer is known to girls who opened concerts on Alter Stage Thursday. The neofolkian girls from Bydgoszcz, the main topic of interest, did damso-masculine business and got married. There are five: Anita Sobiechowska is responsible for the double bass, bass and synthesizers, Irena Filuś plays the violin and sings, Joanna Glubiak manages the percussion, Kate Nürnberg is responsible for the keyboards and Małgorzata Żurańska-Wilkowska joins the singing . There may not have been a crowd under the stage, but those who came to the concert could not be disappointed. It is not usual that in the end, the folk songs in which the band sings, that "near my Ogrodek, apple blossomed" sounded like the best rock concert. And in the case of young girls, it's like that.

Open & Festival 2018 Day 1. Noel Gallagher sings The Beatles, Nick Cave in full sun and fantastic Arctic Monkeys

Songs for all Poland at the Open Festival 2018

Barbara Wrońska's concert, which has been promoting her debut solo album "Dom z ognia" for several weeks, also deserves praise. being seen. The performance began several tens of minutes before the most important moment of the second day of the festival – the Depeche Mode show, but that did not stop the audience from appearing in front of the Firestone stage. And they probably have not regretted it. Because in addition to the beautiful songs of the first album, Barbara also had a surprise. It was the appearance of Monika Brodka, who sang two numbers with singer Pustków. – I'm glad I can play here. I hope that soon Poland will become such works. Write them for everyone – they are mega melodious and wonderful – said Brodka.

Open & Festival 2018. Arctic Monkeys, Nick Cave, wise encounters and beautiful sunsets, or what happened the first day [WIDEO]

Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Depeche Mode – dreams come true for fans

  Open & Festival 2018. Depeche Mode Concert. 05/07/2018 Gdynia- Kosakowo. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Depeche Mode Concert. 05/07/2018 Gdynia- Kosakowo.

Certainly the most anticipated star was the Depeche Mode band. In the early hours of the afternoon, fans of T-shirts sporting the group's logo were walking in the Open Zone. For them, the hero of the day was only one team, the rest being a happy addition, completing the next musical party. And they were not disappointed. It was one of those concerts that worked on fans as a magnet – just as in previous years Red Hot Peppers Open Chili, Pearl Jam or Faith No More.

  Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Depeche Mode Concert. 05/07/2018 Gdynia- Kosakowo. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Depeche Mode Concert. 05/07/2018 Gdynia- Kosakowo.

The musicians of Depeche Mode reached the vast library of their discography and shot about fifteen hits, which delighted tens of thousands of people under the main stage of the Festival Open & # 39; er in 2018. It was often one of the biggest concerts the history of the festival.

You can read the cover of Depeche Mode's concert


Open & Festival 2018. Organek in Difficult Conditions

Will not have pampered during the second concert on the main stage. Dense clouds held the sun and the wind blew on the stage. And he left it, energetic for that, Organek. And he started his cool rock show with all his guitar hits. "Mississippi on fire" presented as this: – You are beautiful 20. Summer. I 30. 40 50,60 70 and 80. Everyone. I adore that you're here, you love the freedom of music (although the introduction probably confused it with "Spring", what text sounds like it's saying it, and that he played later).
"Stupid me" was about singing together. At the end of the "Spring" already mentioned, he wove several bars "Seven Nation Army" The White Stripes. And between songs, he always encouraged the audience to play together.

Young Ecstatic Fathers at the Open Festival & # 39; er 2018

The British trio Young Fathers played Alter Stage. And they have received one of the best receptions up to now at the festival.

  Open & Festival Festival 2018. Young Fathers. / MICHAŁ RYNIAK Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Young Fathers.

From a tightly packed white tent, people have flowed well beyond its borders. And the trio, supported by explosive percussions, captured the crowd from the first seconds. Was it when they played a snap or when they were singing a more relaxed number. But the group has not slowed down even for a moment. If one of them did not sing or rapped, he devoted himself entirely to a wild and ecstatic dance.
The gray eminence of this concert was a group drummer running behind, whose work drove the whole machine. Sometimes he played like he was in the drum wanting to tear a hole, and in a moment he whipped it casually. Perfect effects.

David Byrne masterfully at the Open Festival 2018

This is undoubtedly one of those concerts that will be recorded in the history Open & # 39; er . David Byrne on an almost empty stage, only on the sides decorated with string walls, went alone and sat at the table. A table decorated with a book and a brain. After a second of silence, the brain took it in his hand and began to describe his fragments with the words "here": a fragment responsible for the wealth of details, fragment rarely used … And meanwhile, dressed in similar outfits, the dancers appeared on the stage.

  Open & Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne.

Drummers, keyboardists and guitarists appeared on the second track. In total, there were 12 people on the stage. Everyone combined a flawless choreography. Here, even for a moment, there was no room for improvisation or mistakes. But that does not mean that such an accomplished show was boring. On the contrary, it was impressive. The musicians mastered the whole scene and had a different arrangement for each song. Sometimes they would stand in a row, sometimes alternating between front and back, sometimes plunging into seemingly planned but actually planned chaos.

  Open & Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne.

David Byrne himself was sometimes like a perky motivational speaker or better, an elemental pastor. Which, given the echoes that resonate here in his music, justifies such a comparison.

  Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne. / BARTOSZ BAŃKA Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. Concert by David Byrne.

Aside from a few "thanks" in the right part of the concert, the stage leader has only said one thing: – We read what is happening now in Poland. Very "interesting time". We have crossed our fingers for you, he said, referring clearly to the changes introduced by the government in the judicial system, which have the effect of limiting the rule of law, democracy and freedom. And just after those words, Byrne sang the song "Everybody's Coming to My House" from his latest CD "American Utopia". Moreover, the songs of this album were the backbone of these concerts. And they sounded good, like, for example, "I Dance Like This" with a heavy, industrial guitar, and almost an almost metallic chorus. There was also plenty of room for classic hits from the legendary band Talking Heads, headed by Byrne years ago. This includes "Once in a lifetime with a well-known classical choreography, in which" Byrne "seems to be about to fall, and after which he had a wild ovation.Is the final shot" Burning Down the House "played at At the very end, after this song, Byrne played a quick reminder, and it was the song "Hell You Talmbout." As he explained – and it was the second time that he had been in charge. he was saying something more – the song comes from the repertoire of his friend, the singer Janelle Monáe.It is actually a protest song that she recorded in 2015. – This song is still valid. Many names are mentioned in his text.If you search them online, you will understand what that is, "Byrne said. The names and names of the lyrics of the song belong to African Americans killed by accident or by mistake by the police or because of racial hatred.

Open Festival 2018. Flies: We do not want to play jubilee

Mucha's group, on Open & # 39; er, returns with the album Terroromans released there eleven years ago (and also with the first line-up). – We wanted to give this album a reason to meet, play and write a new song. We do not want to play jubilee because we think it's still too early. What motivates us, is a new album written this year. And it's a good sign – said Michał Wiraszko, the group's leader, in the Co Jest newsroom. The audience with Muchami sang, among others such as "City of experiences", "The most important day" or "Gallantry". Baasch is presented as the last on the opener.

Open & Festival 2018. Mouths "We are the first group that grew up in an online hype" [WIDEO]

Massive Attack at the Open & # 39; er Festival 2018. "Unio Europejskie, Save Polish Courts"

The duo of Robert Del Naja and Grant Marshall, with a concert team that closed the concert on the stage principal, were watched by thousands of spectators. The musicians of Massive Attack presented their greatest hits, and at one point they joined the Young Pathers who played the day before. It's thanks to Massive that the hip-hop-soul-electronic trio owes at least a part of his career – the bristol books have long supported them. Together, they performed hypnotic songs "Voodoo In My Blood" and "Way Up Here". As always with "Inertia Creeps" on the screens in the background, quotes from newspapers and titles were posted. This time: "Wall Judges", "European Union, Save the Polish Courts", "We are in the same boat". Horace Andy and the phenomenal Deborah Miller, with whom Massive Attack performed "Unfinished Sympathy" crowning the encore, also appeared on stage.

Open & Festival 2018. Dawid Podsiadło, a small town man in the capital. "I do not feel hatred for those who spread absurd rumors about me"

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