Opole. The first equality march went through the streets of the city


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Participants in the march called for equal rights for homosexual relations, solid sex education, respect and respect 39, assistance to refugees, the disabled and the excluded. Representatives of Nowoczesna, the All Party, citizens of the Republic of Poland, the Committee for the Defense of Democracy and the Alliance of the Democratic Left took part in the demonstration.

Witold Zembaczyński, vice president of Modern Witold, present at the demonstration, said that "the shame of the Polish political class is that to date – and that is the eighth term – the problem basic elementary of the right to love people, to love to decide about your destiny. "

There were also about 100 members of the Radical National Camp, All-Polish youth and pro-life movements protesting against the march of equality. There were exchanges with stakeholders. The police did not intervene.

The speeches of the March participants at Daszyński Square tried to disrupt the nationalists. The loudspeakers chanted slogans: "pedophiles, pedestrians are passionate about the left", "the refusal of consent to deviations". They also refused to pray for Archangel Michael for participants of the March for Equality.

During the march, there was an incident, during which the driver of the Ford passenger attempted to enter the street, which the participants of the march continued, then dropped the policeman.

According to Karol Brandys of the provincial police headquarters in Opole, the man was drunk – in the body he had almost 2.5% alcohol. He was detained and, after being sobered, charges will be laid against him. The truncated policeman did not take place.


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