Overfishing has led to an increase in coral ticks that affect coral reefs


A small neglected snail could contribute to the disappearance of coral reefs.

Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have studied how the snail Coralliophila violacea could further weaken already damaged reefs. The study, published in Ecological Applications on Thursday, found that the snail could reduce the growth of an important species of coral, Porites cylindrica ]. Porites coral can provide a base for reefs because it is less likely to be damaged by algae and other threats.

"The coral Porites is somehow the last man standing, the last hope for some of these reefs coming back." Mark Hay, Georgia Tech professor and author on paper, said in a statement: "As you get less and less corals, snails concentrate on the number of these colonies less numerous. This remains a part of the downward spiral of the reefs. "

Coral reefs are already weakened by pollution, rising ocean temperature, invasive species and other factors.This snail, which extends from about half an inch long to almost 2 inches long, sucks the liquid from the coral, hence the reason they are called "coral ticks."

Scientists have found a distinct link between the number of fish in an area and the number of corals in the coral coast of Fiji.On a single colony in areas where fishing is not allowed, an author on paper, Cody Clements, has never found More than five snails.In areas where fishing is permitted, he found 35 times more snails on coral.

Overfishing affects coral reefs because fish are known to keep algae and seaweed. Predators under control.To see how the largest quantities of Snails affected the coral, Clements attached snails to isolated coral branches. He compared these branches to branches without snails after 24 days. Depending on the size of the snail, coral growth decreased from 18 to 43 percent.

 Tortoise and Coral Reef Snorkel Tourists near a turtle as it searches for food among the corals in the lagoon at Lady Elliot Island in the northeast of Bundaberg City in Queensland, Australia. Coral reefs are weakened by pollution, rising ocean temperatures, invasive species and other factors. DAVID GRAY / REUTERS

Clements, who used needle-nosed pliers to remove more than 2,000 snails while driving his La research, confirmed that the lack of fish caused an increase in snails by attaching snails to reefs in areas that allow fishing and those that do not. Snails in areas that do not allow fishing have been eaten, probably by ballistae and other fish with teeth, while those in areas that allow fishing have not been eaten. In protected areas against fishing, 220 percent more snails were prey than in areas that allow fishing.

"A single snail can do a lot of damage," said Clements in a statement. "They suck coral juice, if you have a lot of snails that feed on a single colony of corals, it can be very difficult for the colony to thrive."

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