Palestinian envoy claims US peace plan "dead on arrival"


Riyad Mansour told reporters that after President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, the United States "lost the qualification to be the only party to oversee the political process ".

Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, who drafted the administration's plan, told the Arab Al-Quds newspaper last month that He would present it soon, with or without the help of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. "For the Palestinian commitment on the plan but" we will not commit ourselves. "

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and many other Palestinian officials" said we would not engage in anything "It seems to me that people in Washington, DC – they still think that "We are the only game in town. That's us or nothing, "said Mansour. "We are not an actor to accommodate their desires."

Mansour said the Palestinians will insist on a "collective process" involving many countries to try to end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such as Abbas In a collective approach, he said, the United States United may "play a role, but they can not be the only ones to oversee this process" following the "illegal and provocative" recognition of Jerusalem as Israel.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their independent state and say its status is a final issue yet to be decided, an opinion backed by the vast majority of UN member states.

Mansour also says the Palestinians do not want to go to negotiations where the United States says Jerusalem, the refugees, and a two-state solution "are out of the table" and "the settlements may not be on the table, maybe under the table. " With this attitude, you do not open the doors of peace, you open doors for the opposite – the perpetuation of this conflict. "

Mansour said that the possibilities for collective action include:

-An international conference, such as China's UN ambassador Ma Zhaoxu called Tuesday, perhaps in Russia, as has been suggested

-To strengthen the role of the Middle East – United States, United Nations, Russia and European Union mediators – and possibly add other delegations such as China and Japan [19659012] – The 15 members of the Security Council or its five permanent members – the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain and France – lead the effort.

"We are open to all these things. "He accused the Trump administration of being pro-Israel, stating that US ambassador Nikki Haley" is becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves. "

Mansour cites several examples of drastic cuts from the United States in the financing of the UN in for Palestinian refugees known as UNRWA. This year, the United States cut some $ 300 million to UNRWA, leaving the agency in a precarious financial situation, and is currently investigating some $ 200 million in aid to Palestinians [19659015] "International community strives not to abandon UNRWA Haley made no mention of cuts in his speech to the Security Council on Tuesday, but accused the Arab and Islamic countries of To be generous with their words in support of UNRWA She said that no Arab country was coming "close to what the US has done" – more than 6 billion Bilateral aid to Palestinians since 1993.

Saudi Ambassador Abdallah Al-Muallimi has had a precise answer, not to mention the United States, a close ally. [19659017Hetoldthecouncilthathisgovernmenthadgiven"morethan$6billionwithaBtothePalestinianpeopleduringthe"SaudiArabiafirmlybelievesinactionsnotwords"saidAl-Mouallimi

Mansour cited Haley's accusations against Arab and Islamic countries, including some important United States. Allies, saying that it was "to promote an unconditional defense of Israel" but "not in the interest of the United States, much more in the interest of Israel."

He also cited a failure of American and Israeli efforts on Tuesday. amend a resolution on "the social and economic consequences of the Israeli occupation" to call on Hamas, which heads Gaza, to release two Israeli civilians and the bodies of two Israeli soldiers.

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