Parking in Wola courts only with an ID. There will be a pilot program


The Warsaw estate wants to fight the plague of visitors who remove parking from residents

If all goes as planned, a pilot program will be launched in October to issue special identifiers to the inhabitants of Wola. According to the Polish press agency

only, with these identifiers, you can park in the residential courts, in the beginning, the identity cards must be issued to the owners or tenants of the premises located in the course at ul. Elektoralna, Biała, Ogrodowa, al. Jana Pawła II, al. Solidarności, Żelazna, Nowolipie. Places reserved for residents will also appear at certain addresses in Dzielna, Nowolipki and Piaskowa St.

See also: Parking devours money

– In the courtyard there will be parking spaces reserved for residents and to tenants of commercial premises. On the other hand, signs will be placed at the entrances, and residents will receive special identifiers – explained Krzysztof Strzałkowski, Mayor of Wola in an interview with the PAP.

The identifiers must be free. The program is administered by the authorities of Wola and Zakład Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami.

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