Parliament votes to reveal the extent of anger on the May Brexit plan


LONDON (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May will face on Monday the anger of Brexit supporters in her party when they will try to force her to change course on her exit strategy from the Union. European.

British Prime Minister Theresa May leaves the BBC after attending the Andrew Marr Show in central London, UK on July 15, 2018. REUTERS / Peter Nicholls

May fights for political survival after the announcement of a Brexit A strategy that has enraged the eurosceptics in his conservative party, who see it as a plan to keep Britain too tied to Brussels.

The magnitude of the threat should be clear on Monday as legislators vote for amendments to the government's post-Brexit customs law, with Eurosceptics in the lead to vote in favor of May's amendments and support their own proposals for hardening its exit plan.

While May should not be defeated on the amendments, a high number of votes in favor of the amendment of the customs bill by members of her party would undermine her bargaining strategy, agreed upon at a later date. cabinet meeting. month.

"I can not find anyone who supports leave for Conservative MPs who are happy with (Checkers) 's proposal if you talk to them in private," said Peter Bone, a Conservative MP and a Brexit activist. New.

The Checkers agreement has already led to the resignation of cabinet members David Davis and Boris Johnson.

FILE PHOTO: British Prime Minister Theresa May arrives for the second day of a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, on July 12, 2018. Tatyana Zenkovich / Pool via REUTERS / File Photo

May try to face a possible Eurosceptic rebels warn Sunday that if they lose their premiership, they risk wasting the victory of an EU exit they dream of for decades.

A party meeting last week seemed to have stifled the discussion of a confidence motion challenging the May leadership, which would require 48 Conservative MPs to start and 159 win.

But, fueled by criticism of US President Donald Trump and local anger in the party, the sentiment against May has taken a new impetus.

On Monday, a lot of attention will go to Davis, who led the Brexit negotiation until he resigned to protest the May plan, and Johnson, the old Minister of Foreign Affairs who is considered a challenger for his work.

The two could speak in the debate, which should begin at 2:30 pm GMT and end with votes at 9:00 pm, and they can have a significant influence on the number of colleagues ready to sit. Express.

The amendments to the draft law on taxation (cross-border trade) were proposed by the eurosceptic-archbishop Jacob Rees-Mogg. He said he was not expecting the bill, or any other trade bill to be debated on Tuesday, to be blocked by the 650-member parliament.

"I am sure that Theresa May does not want to divide the Conservative Party and so she will find that the inevitable consequence of parliamentary arithmetic is that she will need to change it (Brexit politics) to keep the party united, "said Rees-Mogg.

"We'll get an idea of ​​the numbers, I suppose, at 10 o'clock Monday night."

Report of William James; Editing by Susan Fenton

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