Patryk Jaki promises the construction of two subway lines. At a time


The United Right candidate for Warsaw President Patryk Jaki announced Wednesday that when he became the capital's president, he will begin construction of two new subway lines. – This will be one of my most important tasks, because I will become the president of the capital of Warsaw –

Patryk Jaki stressed Wednesday at a press conference that in metropolises like Warsaw, the subway is obvious and natural. while

The United Right candidate said Warsaw has fewer metro kilometers than cities like Budapest or Prague. – All (these cities) certainly have more metro kilometers than Warsaw – he noted. He stressed that Warsaw should "continue" metropolises in which several subway lines operate.

As he added, the Warsaw authorities have not even yet designed another subway line. "When I'm president of the capital Warsaw, I will start building two new subway lines at the same time," said Jaki. – These are really possible and real plans to implement and we will implement them. This will be one of my most important tasks, as I will become the president of the Warsaw capital – he said.

From Białołęka to Wilanów

The documents presented at the conference show that the third subway line proposed is to connect Białołęka to Wilanów. The fourth metro line would go from Marysin Wawerski to Ursus

– or ambitious Warsaw, which we present, or Warsaw complexes, which presents (capital president) Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz and (candidate PO and Moderne to the presidency from the city) Rafał Trzaskowski. An ideal couple who is responsible for the fact that all cities in the region have overtaken Warsaw when it comes to building the metro, which is a huge scandal – says Jaki –

According to Patrick, the kilometer of Metro can be built for 300 million PLN. The cost of 50 kilometers provided by him is therefore PLN 15 billion. With the construction dismantled for 10 years, it amounts to 1.5 billion PLN per year. According to the candidate of the united right, this cost could be borne by the budget of the city

"The lake will be erected here"

A proposal commented on Twitter by Renata Kaznowska, Deputy Mayor of Warsaw responsible for public transport

" refer to the promises, and the merits, and this one in my opinion," not … well … this lake will be set up here … and it will be here " "- she wrote.

PAP / kz / pm

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