Paweł Kukiz does not hide the emotions. He showed pictures of his daughter's wedding


"And what should I write? One thing – God bless you, dear children, be as happy as I am on your wedding day!" – Paweł Kukiz wrote on Facebook. The politician also pointed out that he finally acquired a son. However, he announced that he would not show the photos of his son-in-law. The MP and the musician praised the photos with the most important women of his life – his wife Małgorzata and his daughters Julia, Pola and Hanna.

27-Julia, the eldest daughter of Paweł Kukiz, stood on the wedding rug in the church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Namysłów. Preparations for the ceremony were reported in Pola Kukiz's social media, which included photos and recordings of Hen Night and Wedding Dresses Salon.

Paweł Kukiz has three daughters with his wife Małgorzata: Hanna, 18, Pola, 24, and Julia, 27. The family accompanied the politician during the election campaign in 2015. The most important women in Kukiz's life have supported him in the race for the presidency.

Paul Kukiz and his family. Girls and Wife

Kukiz on Girls

– The role of the father becomes more important when the girls reach maturity and the boys appear next to them. When I can, I have a contact with my daughters. Sometimes it's limited to a phone or Facebook, but it's still there. The family ties at home are very strong. Sometimes I think God knows what he's doing. Because although every man dreams of having a son, I have my daughters. God has done good. Because if I had a son who would have characteristic characteristics similar to those of my son, it could be very bad for him and me – Paweł Kukiz told his family in an interview for Wprost.

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