Paweł Rabiej on how he was made a "Kaczyński man". "It was a brutal exit" | policy


Paweł Rabieja did not experience much before becoming one of the founders of the Nowoczesna party. Today's candidate for the Warsaw Vice President, however, has a rich biography and, a few years ago, he was professionally linked to the Center Agreement, the first part of the Kaczyński brothers.

In the first half of the 1990s, he collaborated with Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński. by writing books about Mieczysław Wachowski and Anna Walentynowicz. The current chairman of the PiS was, as former head of the office of Lech Wa³êsa, one of the main sources of the book on Wachowski

"M ¿Kaczyński"

Rabiej, in conversation with TVN24, recalled these times and how they were imputed that he is personally related to Jarosław Kaczyński. It started with the publication of the weekly 'Nie'.

who wrote a text about me. I also remember that day. We came with Ing Rosińska to the Sejm, Monika Olejnik approached us, then in the Troika, she hugged her and said, "Why did they do that? Terrible scandal." I did not know what was happening. (…) I was 22 years old, but it was a brutal exit. (…) It was a description of my kind of colorful erotic life. Many things have been torn out of your finger. But the source was a person who knew me, so there was a level of probability. Finally, the thesis was made that when I wrote a book about Mieczysława Wachowski, I ordered all this action against Wachowski, that is against Wałęsie, and I introduced Jarosław Kaczyński into the # 39; error. And I do it as a person who apparently sleeps with him. That was an unveiled and veiled suggestion. "M ¿Kaczyński"

– told Rabiej in a conversation. He also recalled that later Lech Wa³êsa invited Jarosław Kaczyński to Belweder "even with her husband" – it was probably about me – he said.

  Jarosław Kaczyński and Paweł Rabiej in 1993 Jarosław Kaczyński and Paweł Rabiej in 1993 Agencja Gazeta

A politician admitted that the president of the center agreement of the time was immune to attacks "and although the PC environment was thinking about taking legal action, it finally did not happen." According to Rabieja, the article in "No "was to strike Kaczyński

The second coming out Rabieja

Today Rabiej speaks openly of his orientation and with his partner has decided not to hide his relationship.Remove – spontaneously, as he declares himself- even – during a conversation with a reporter.When asked why he goes to parades for equality, he responds: "Because I'm gay."

– That's why I have been in politics for a year, not to lie to myself or to lie to others. worth telling the truth, both in private and public life. So I said that's why I'm gay. This is an important part of my identity, not too exposed, but it's important – he explained later in a conversation with

According to the policy, homophobia in politics is "for the show". – When a subject comes up, politicians must play homophobes because they believe that most Poles do it. There is no – said Rabiej in an interview with TVN24 –

LGBT teens on life in Poland: "Homophobia is pain, psychological violence, hate"

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