Pawłowicz could not stand it. He comments on Holland's confession about the murder of two people with a voodoo doll


It's really hard to believe in this exchange of opinions. Polish writer Maria Nurowska makes a voo-doo doll with the wish of illness for Stanisław Piotrowicz of PiS. Agnieszka Holland admits that she killed two people in this way. Krystyna Pawłowicz joins all this

PiS deputy discussed the discussion between Nurowska and Holland. "Some witch Voo-doo Nurowska boasts with an unconscious expression on his face that he stabs pins in the effigy of MP Stanisław Piotrowicz with a desire for heart attack / heart attack A. Holland says that 2 times in this person KILL 2 people! "elite" … Well, drop the masks "- Krystyna Pawłowicz wrote on Twitter

It's about the exchange of 39, already famous opinions between the writer and the director. Maria Nurowska on Facebook wrote: "It happened, I made a puppet of the prosecutor Piotrowicz and put pins in it, his days are numbered …". "Marysia, I did it twice in my youth, each time with a mortal effect, I promised myself and my daughter that I would never do voodoo again, I am against the death penalty!" – wrote the director.

"I am for a voo-doo doll, must not kill immediately, just a little stroke and paralysis" – answered Nurowska in the context of Piotrowicz. And after a while, she added, "I wish him a death, but an illness that would take him away from the political scene."

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