Pawlowicz is afraid of black magic: "Witch Voo-doo Nurowska has pinned pins to the effigy of Piotrowicz MP!"


  Pawłowicz is afraid of black magic:

Krystyna Pawłowicz since the beginning of her career in politics was famous for her pathological behavior, of which she made her trademark. Over time, she has become accustomed to her peers and to the public opinion of her style of being and expression that today fewer people are shocked. and more often arouse disgust and pity. A Law and Justice member likes to share his controversial thoughts and comment on the news on Facebook. From her entries, you can learn, among other things, that she considers herself "a very kind, kind, gentle and gentle person" . Recently, she was also very fond of the actions of the Polish National Football Team

See: Pawłowicz advises Polish footballers: "The honor would be a quick return, I WILL EXPAND AND RETURN THE COST "

opponents and all those who do not share his vision of the world. This time, his goal was Maria Nurowska who published Saturday on his profile a "humorous" entry. The writer wrote that "she made a puppet of the prosecutor Piotrowicz and stabbed him in" in connection with which "his days are numbered". Post ironically, among others Agnieszka Holland

Marysia, I did it twice in my youth, each time with a deadly effect. I promised myself, as well as my daughter, to never do Voodoo again. I am against the death penalty! – wrote the director

(…) I am for a voodoo doll, I do not need to kill immediately, just a little blow and a paralysis – l & Writer Answered

Piotrowicz Jokes and Black Pawlowicz, who called the two ladies "witches", apparently not catching sarcasm,

. A Voo-doo Witch Nurowska with an unconscious facial expression praises that sticks the pins to the effigy of MP Piotr Piotrowicz with a desire for a stroke / heart attack for him and Holland says that killed two people twice in these people! And these are the "elites" left … Ok, let the masks fall – wrote an indignation.

In the next post, Pawłowicz also attacked Manuela Gretkowska

The readers of the leftist witches – Nurowska and Gretkowska, no longer want to buy. In an interview with Wirtualna Polska, Holland comments on the emotional response of a deputy . Krystyna Pawłowicz is a person who seriously believes in voodoo and who is afraid of him, at the same time as she is a declared Catholic . We live in a country where making jokes is dangerous and people of some importance take them seriously – says director

Holland defends Nurowska's sense of black humor, claiming that it is a way to get rid of anger and helplessness. ] It's perhaps an exaggeration, but everything has gone through a huge hype lately. People are looking for a sort of valve to relieve their bitterness, anger and powerlessness in the face of the impunity of those who destroy the vital tissue in which we live. Of course, these types of entrees and fantasies are not tasty, but I have the impression that many people do not realize what is going on. They always think that everything is fine, as long as they have passports, a good life, and so on. Those with a clear vision are desperate – he says, referring to the ongoing battle in Poland for the judiciary.

Pawłowicz and Piotrowicz are two destroyers of the rule of law in Poland. I am convinced that they will face a real punishment, not shamans. Adequate penalty for damage caused to Poland – adds Holland.


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