Payment methods and e-store delivery channels are key for customers


The choice of payment methods and distribution channels offered by online stores greatly affects the satisfaction of buyers, according to the report "Basket of the Year 2018" Twisto, informed the Polish director of Poland Krzysztof Blinowski. it follows that the choice of payment methods and distribution channels offered by the stores greatly affects the satisfaction of buyers, each has its own preferences and good online stores can not afford to ignore them. also worth highlighting the high quality of national stores There are up to seven stores outside Poland, what is more, the average result of Polish stores is higher than in the case of global players "- said Blinowski at from a meeting with reporters.

He indicated that "Basket of the Year 2018" is the first study of its kind on online stores in Poland.T Twisto analyzed the procurement processes of largest Polish online retailers.The study authors have verified the interface of each of them in terms of more than 100 features that determine the quality of the processes and the usability of the stores for buyers, both on personal computers and mobile devices. The Edisonda research studio in Krakow analyzed in depth the emotions of customers related to the use of selected online shops

After summarizing the results, the Białystok online store,, was the best online store in Poland. and were on the next places. In addition, the best stores in individual industries were also selected in the ranking – the three named winners took first place in the following categories: books / toys, clothing / accessories and electronics. In other industries, they won: (health and beauty), (home), (sport), (multibranch stores) and (jewelry ).

Studio Edisonda Based on 250 tests, he created a list of the most important areas determining the attractiveness of e-commerce. In the next step, these items were evaluated by users of 100 e-shops selected by Twisto. The study consisted of the observation of people undergoing the buying process, gathering opinions and statements, and using the previously formulated emotional scale

Twisto is an operator regional deferred payment system. ING Bank Śląski is one of the company's investors.


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