Pensions. Social insurance institution: the increases are not at risk


The social insurance institution will prepare the process of indexing pensions in a timely manner. There is no danger – said Wojciech Andrusiewicz, ZUS spokesperson in response to questions from Previously, the media reported, citing unofficial information, that the plant may have difficulty updating the computer system in time.

Last week, the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers gave a favorable opinion on the bill relating to the indexation of pensions in 2019.

The amendments aim to bring the lowest pension to PLN 1 100 (currently PLN 1 029.80). In turn, the lowest pension for partial incapacity for work must rise to 825 PLN (currently PLN 772.35). The new mechanism also provides that pensioners will receive a minimum increase of PLN 70.

Without a change in the regulations, this would represent an increase of 3.26%, which means that the change will benefit people whose supply does not exceed 2147 PLN.

System improvements

The government's plan is to replace the standard mechanism of increases, the percentage, with percentage and quota indexing, which should be problematic.

As the "Gazeta Wyborcza" wrote, in order to implement changes, the social insurance institution must make changes to its global information system (KSI). According to the newspaper, "any change of law resulting in a modification of the system generally requires between 6 and 9 months of work of IT specialists".

– And we will not even have half of that time (the increases are paid in March – ed.). Realize the valuation, if at least procedural successes are close to the possibility of social security – said the top factory official, quoted by "GW".

For a similar period of 9 months, with respect to the preparation of a computer system, ZUS pointed to the reduction in the age of retirement.

Rafalska: valuation date is not under threat

In addition to social insurance institutions, pensioners also reassured the Minister of Family and Labor, Elżbieta Rafalska, who spoke on Wednesday.

– I strongly deny the information broadcast by some media that this term was threatened in any way – she said.

She assured that "as in previous years and in 2019, the valuation will be carried out from 1 March 2019."

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