PFSA Office: Some of the requirements of GetBack bondholders force KNF to act illegally


The headquarters of the KNF office in Warsaw. Fig. Piotr Molecki

The headquarters of the KNF office in Warsaw. Fig. Piotr Molecki / Agencja SE / East News

According to the PFSA, the accusations of the association against the KNF are unjustified.

On Thursday, the KNF stressed that the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority was acting on the basis and within the limits of the legal provisions. It was pointed out that some of the BackBack victims' associations, repeatedly formulated by the authorities, are forcing the monitoring body to take measures violating the law – assesses the KNF bureau. postulates addressed both to the office of the PFSA and to those contained in the letter of 22 November this year. to the Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, "obliges the supervisory body to take measures in violation of the law".

"The information on the legal measures taken by the KNF against GetBack and Idea Bank has been made public on the KNF website (…) due to strict rules on professional secrecy, all supervisory measures taken can not be made public, The KNF has repeatedly informed "- it was written.

It was assured that the PFSA office exercised "in the case in question intensive surveillance activities aimed at determining all circumstances related to the process of offering GetBack SA bonds by supervised entities".

In the statement, the PFSA's office says that it understands the difficult situation of the bondholders and their concerns, but that "the public stigma by the representatives of the PFSA association's office, including its specific departments (…) and its individual authorities, does not help to achieve the objective of explaining the case ".

According to the KNF, many public statements by the association's representatives, including its president Artiom Bujan, "boil down to press statements of unjustified allegations against employees of the PFSA office". "The accusations made and the false information provided referring to the activities of the KNF office will introduce either a broad public opinion or bond creditors," he said.

On November 22 this year it was proposed to the letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Morawiecki and to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister by the Association of GetBack Injured Bondholders to implement the 11-point plan "aimed at to stabilize the financial sector in Poland, especially with regard to the important assistance to the victims of Idea Bank SA and GetBack "

The plan includes, among other things, a postulate for immediate public disclosure of the report's content, which allows the KNF to make a decision regarding the inclusion of Idea Bank in a public safety letter and a report on the GetBack control.

"If the KNF does not publish the report immediately in a verbal version, the KNF will prove once again that it can act to the detriment of society" – reads the letter. The association is asking for explanations on why the PFSA "will not perform any procedures to inform individual PDM / IDEA / GetBack victims of GetBack related issues".

The Association also calls for "conducting a detailed audit within the KNF structures and streamlining the work of this institution", "introducing the financial transparency of the PFSA" and dismissing employees in breach of the Code of Conduct. deontology.

In addition, the assumptions include: "the establishment of a clear record of the benefits of all PFSA and NBP employees, as well as members of their families and partners", including: supervised entities ; transfer of banking supervision to BNP; introduction of a ban on working in institutions and companies under supervision for former employees of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank of Poland.

GetBack Company deals with claims management. It was created in 2012 and, in July 2017, its shares debuted on Papież Wartociowych in Warsaw as part of its IPO.

In April, the WSE, at the request of the KNF, suspended the actions in GetBack. This occurred after the company announced on April 16 that it was negotiating with PKO BP and the Polish Development Fund a mixed loan and investment financing of up to $ 500,000. 250 million zlotys. "parties concerned", for their part, PKO BP and PFR have denied the information that they are conducting such discussions.This triggers the reaction of KNF.As a result, the GetBack Supervisory Board dismiss Konrad K with immediate effect of the post president of the company.

Konrad K. was arrested. He was accused of committing the crime, including attempted fraud for the amount of 250 million zlotys, large property damage compensation (at least 185 million zlotys) and actions to obstruct the proceedings criminal law and to avoid criminal liability.

GetBack bondholders try to recover all funds invested in bonds, but not from GetBack, but only from banks offered by these instruments. He understands about Idea Bank. In November of this year. this bank is included in the list of public FNK in the context of unlicensed brokerage activities in the field of the provision of financial instruments.

UOKiK accuses the bank that its representatives have provided false information to their customers, for example that GetBack bonds would give them a guaranteed profit or that access to these obligations is limited. In addition, people who knew they did not accept risky investments persuaded them to buy the bonds.

The association estimates that in the country, the losses incurred by the physical-person bondholders harmed in the GetBack case amount to more than 2 billion zlotys.

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