PGE Vive. Djashevcheyev's father asks fans to support the club


For the solidarity and support of the handball club, PGE Vive Kielce asked supporters of the team, Tałant Dujszebajew in an open letter, published Tuesday on the club's website

The letter appeared in the context of a statement issued the day before by the club's management, in which its representatives said that despite the financial problems, PGE Vive Kielce next season will join all the games he has played

"The club has financial problems, so controlled that they do not exclude us from the matches of the 2018/2019 season, but also quite noticeable that they can affect the further development of the club and its sporting level (… We have taken all possible measures to reduce costs, including reducing the salary of our players by 25%. We are actively looking for new sponsors and new forms of promotion for to obtain private capital "- stressed the board members of KS Vive Kielce and KS Vive Handball Kielce SA Bertus Servaas, Marian Urban and Tadeusz Dziedzic

Vive trainer referring to the situation ac the club, he pointed out in the letter that he did not come to Kielce for money.

"I came for a long-term project that was and remains one of the best club and handball development projects I've ever come across, a project that brings the best players to Kielce. and discovers young players still in the running, it's a project that has made the city and region of iwiętokrzyskie a place on the world map, thanks to which I discovered Kielce, I I opened in Poland and I fell in love with it "- wrote Kyrgyzstan, also a Spanish citizen Dujszebjew, who survived the best period of its history with the Kielce club, winning the Champions League in 2016. "This is a showcase of the city, the region and Poland, this proves that you can achieve the highest goals without the space money because we are still far from the financial opportunities European leaders and occupy the fourteenth place in the League's budget. Later, it will be extremely difficult for us to return to the level we are currently presenting "- Dujshebaev assessed the club's situation.

He noted that he was coaching and playing in different teams and that they were not receiving adequate financial support. He highlighted the Spanish teams: Santander (winner of the first edition of LM in the 1993/94 season), who returns after several years to the league and Ciudad Real (triple winner LM), who plays today in the national league.

with Vive because "I have" some suggestions, I want to stay in Kielce to continue the project.

"Many of my players have similar feelings." I spoke with each of them, we accept a 25% pay cut. According to him, if the Kielce club does not receive a lot of financial support, there will be no handball in the city at the current level.

"I ask the football supporters, sponsors and city authorities to show solidarity and the support that they have shown us up to here, be with us as you l '. have been to every game, even when things have not happened (… We are building a new team in perspective and it will take several years and I call the authorities to reconsider my decision, which will not be changed anymore late "- summarizes Dujshebaev

At the beginning of July, the president of the club Bertus Servaas turns to the advisers of Kielce, asking, among others Last weekend, during the press conference, President Kielce is Referred to Wojciech Lubawski, who pointed out that the city had no extra money for Vive.He recalled that as part of the annual promotional agreement, the city granted 2.5 million from PLN to the club and can not spend 4.5 million PLN for current expenses

"We must know that this is what we pay annually For dozens of other sports clubs, and for many of them 10 or 20 000 is a question d & rsquo; Existence, so we will have to do it at the expense of something, "said Lubawski


Katarzyna Bańcer

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