PGE VIVE Kielce asks the city for a record grant. Polish champion has big financial problems


Letters from VIVE Handball's president, Bertus Servaas, were received by everyone on Tuesday. The club asks you to address the issue at the next city council meeting or, if possible, to convene a special session.

"(…) I ask for immediate support for the club, I am convinced that it means a lot to the local community that you represent," writes Servaas. The club president also writes about the fact that he proposed to the Marshal Office and City Hall to buy certain club shares.

A similar situation occurred in 2016 and 2017. In both cases, the councilors decided to transfer the club for two million zlotys. The club asked for support to the city because at the end of the season he had debts that prevented him from getting a license to play PGNiG Superliga. Now they are exceptionally high, hence the necessary subsidy of the city is a record. If the councilors refuse a grant, the club is threatened with bankruptcy.

Each year, the club receives money from the city coffers. This year it is 2.5 million PLN. If councilors voted positively for an additional grant, the Polish champion would receive a total of 7 million zlotys from the city.

Soon more details.

This is the new VIVE Kielce PGE. See Changes and Composition for the 2018/2019 Season [ZDJĘCIA]


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