PIH: Changing penalties for shoplifting is detrimental to sellers



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The Government is working on the amendments to the code of offenses – theft under 500 PLN must be an offense. The determination of this quantity is a problem for many vendors, as it encourages thieves to frequent theft –


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The Polish Chamber of Commerce considers that the crime threshold setting of 500 PLN is detrimental to many honest sellers. – Before the previous change of the code of offenses, it was 250 zlotys and at that time it contributed to the huge loss of stores due to theft. The 2013 change only caused an increase in the value of theft in the trade. Currently this threshold is 1/4 of the minimum wage – PIH informs

– The Polish Chamber of Commerce has maintained and believes that in case of theft there should be no such thresholds. Certainly, establish a border when theft is a crime, and when an offense is a bad intention. Any theft should be a crime regardless of the amount. For traders, repeat thieves are a big problem, they steal for 400 zlotys, and in case of capture, they commit only one offense. They feel unpunished and the next day they come flying further – says Waldemar Nowakowski, president of the Polish Chamber of Commerce

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