Piotr Gliski comments on his release from the studio: it was too much for me political


On Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Piotr Gliski will meet with RMC. The presenter of the show, Robert Mazurek, will ask him, among other things, why the ministry has granted the European Solidarity Center 4 million zlotys of funding instead of the 7 million pledged. – The reason is, as you say, the political commitment of ECS? – the reporter will ask.

The politician will accuse him of not having discussed the tragic events in Gdask, according to the findings of this investigation. When the leader says he does not ask questions about the death of President Pavel Adamowicz, but on the "simple budget decision", Piotr Gliski finds that this information is unreliable and he left the studio.

Piotr Gliski comments: it was too much for me

The Minister of Culture spoke about the morning incident on Twitter. – I will agree to speak to the publisher Mazurek only on the condition that the topics are in no way related to the tragic death of President Pavel Adamowicz. I think that requires a dot or a subtitle.

In the next article, he notes that after the Gdask events, peace and quiet are needed, not the media mic. – The publisher will give a word. And then they will shoot on air. It was apparently too much for me … – adds Piotr Gliski.

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