Piotr Żyła will perform in the note


Piotr Żyła announced that he would say what was the reason for the breakup of his marriage with Justyna. In the end, the jumper decided to explain it in the TVN program "Note: The Bottom of Glory". – The time has come to summarize what has happened up to here. It 's not that I moved, that I left my family, it' s completely wrong – says the sportsman.

Just on this overview, the jumper's wife responded rather bluntly. On her instagram she posted a statement

– I hope that by recording a document, you said how many times you spit in the face, threatened to be beaten, intimidated, blackmailed, confessed that a child is born … that our children are treated by you love toys? On the appointed days, as you said, you are a father, the rest do not care to have recorded with this nice equipment (like glasses – a detective even in the workplace and in the home). children), that you asked me not to come with your mom He sat down normally, drank coffee and talked, so that our children do not sleep with your parents, that you do not take them to the house you, because your girlfriend would not agree, that you would take everything from us and that Karolinka With your gift, you and your mother escaped with your cups – writes Justyna Żyła (original spelling). – You will forgive another soldier, but to this man only the communication through the media reaches – added Justyna on his profile.

What does the situation look like from Piotr Żyła's point of view? That's what we will discover until next Sunday at 19:45

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