PiS continues Czuchnowski? The reporter called the party "mafia"


"PiS sent me a last sub-challenge for Twitter entry! I apologize for the words" I promise not to write anymore about the PiS Mafia "plus 15,000 PLN – said Wednesday the journalist of "Wyborcza".

The case concerns the entry of Czuchnowski from 18 November.

"I just learned from President Glapiński that Kublik and I are maintaining the financial system in Poland, and if I'm sorry, I will not describe the Mafia mafia any more …", the journalist said.

"I will not withdraw"

Law and Justice claims that the entry has unlawfully violated the personal rights of the party. The group therefore asks Gazeta Wyborcza's journalist for an apology and a payment of 15,000 euros. PLN for hospice John Paul II in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.

Apologies for a journalist should include, among other things, your Twitter account. The statement must be "pinned" at the top of the page for 14 days.

Czuchnowski says his entry was "playful" and could not comment on the fact that the "serious party" was offended for his twitt. In his article on the portal wyborcza.pl, the journalist suggests that the president of PiS may not be aware of the situation, which, in his opinion, compromises the government.

"I will not withdraw from these statements in the same way that I will not cease to describe the irregularities in the actions of the authorities, both this one and all the others," he assures.

In the pre-litigation letter, we read that if a journalist does not comply with the summons, the party starts legal proceedings.

The lost trial of Czuchnowski

Recall that this is not the first conflict between Czuchnowski and the ruling party. In March of this year, the Warsaw Court of Appeal amended the verdict of the court of first instance and ordered the publisher of Gazeta Wyborcza and his journalist to apologize to Law and Justice for using the expression "this is how the Mafia works" in the text concerning the pardon granted to the former head of the Office of Anti-Corruption Mariusz Kamiński.

The verdict of the Warsaw Court of Appeal concerns the text of Wojciech Czuchnowski of Gazeta Wyborcza of November 2015. The journalist commented on the pardon of the former head of the Central Office for the Fight Against Corruption (convicted by the court of first instance to three years in prison for abuse of power) at the end of its text: "Yes, the democratic state does not work, that is how a mafia state works.

After the publication of this text, Law and Justice demanded the publication of apologies, sending an excuse by letter to the headquarters of the PiS and the removal of the text from the website Gazeta Wyborcza. In August 2016, the Warsaw District Court rejected PiS's lawsuit and at the end of March the Warsaw Court of Appeal reversed the judgment.

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