PiS counselors enrich on state-owned chairs – Puls Biznesu


As Bertus of Ashes

– I recently joked with my managers. At the meeting, I made a face and I say: people, everything is bad in this business. "Well, how is everything going wrong?" Someone asks shyly. And I'm just saying that I'm really sorry for you, that it's literally … and in this section, and in that, I'm down! "President, what are you talking about ?!" – finally, one of the directors has risen – explains Bertus Servaas, the owner of the group Kielce Vive. And he immediately adds that this scene, which he provoked just after receiving (finally!) Polish citizenship, ended with a happy ending. After the director's outbreak, Bertus Servaas beamed and started: "Well, I'm Polish!" Roots in the Vistula But no, the owner of the third largest clothing and clothing company in Europe, will not throw a litany of allegations against the Polish, a white-red mentality that cries the Europeans from the West – I am one of you, a Pole, I lived here For almost 25 years, and it's thanks to the fact that I'm here that I've achieved such success.We have a great Polish Poles …

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