PiS is afraid of the referendum. The Senate will reject the request of President Duda?


PiS politicians were skeptical from the beginning about the president's idea. He surprised them a year ago, he kept the project secret and did not consult him at the party. Now the finale is coming. This week, senators will either agree to hold a consultative referendum on constitutional amendments on November 10 and 11, or to reject the president's request. Our interlocutors in the PiS say that there will be no consent to the referendum. – That's why we do it right away. That it would burst as soon as possible and then it went out – says the PiS politician. The Chancellery of the President has tabled a motion in the Senate Friday

ALSO READ: Andrzej Duda has submitted a constitutional referendum to the Senate

We know that PiS wants to save the President, he will not criticize the idea of the referendum. He will build a message that the idea is good, that the questions for discussion, but the date is not the happiest. Politicians must support the opinion of the National Electoral Commission, which adheres to "substantial and organizational complications". The referendum coincides with the possible date of local elections

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