PiS is for the idea of ​​Andrzej Duda, and even against. A blitzkrieg on the referendum is being prepared


The referendum of Andrzej Duda is a difficult subject in the PiS

The biggest falcons of the PiS – like Marek Suski – criticize the issues and the term as "extravagant". Just Suski, who is known for his honesty and sense of humor, can afford such a tone.

They only put pressure on the date that is – according to the statements – unacceptable, but the same initiative and laudatory questions. The main argument is the alarming list of the National Electoral Commission, which warned that the referendum of the weekend of 10-11 November could end in great chaos and a great journey.

The pigeons appreciate the nobility of the intentions and the importance of the questions that Duda wants to ask the Poles. The very idea of ​​a referendum as a conversation with a sovereign sovereign must be welcomed by all. PiS is therefore an idea of ​​Andrzej Duda, and even against it

The most ineffable role must be played by the presidential minister Pawe³ Mucha. He is the plenipotentiary of the president for the referendum and he is convinced that it is impossible to let the Senate annul the laudable idea of ​​the president with the votes of the PiS. He recognizes the case as superstitious in favor of the head of state. However, this is not the case

The presidential palace is reconciled with the prospect that the Senate will reject the referendum request. Moreover, from the beginning, the president's colleagues were not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​this idea and did not intend to promote it. The public media did not give too much information about the idea of ​​a referendum. The project gradually lost momentum and went out

Andrzej Duda, waiting for the Senate to reject his idea, in the last days before sending the request to the Senate he asked questions. He brought a list of them, which was necessary because he had long announced that the questions should be 10. And those who remained, he honed. And he added the question on the introduction of the order of the majority in the selection of deputies who is supposed to paralyze criticism of Paweł Kukiz.

And even more. Kukiz, who wrote earlier that Duda "nude the idea of ​​a referendum and the idea of ​​changing the constitution", now praises Andrzej Duda, writing enthusiasm: Respect and a Thank you, Mr. President!

There is no case. Cooeting Paweł Kukiz and his electorate is a constant motive for the presidency of Duda. The head of state, counting on re-election, must stand not only to the PiS electorate, but also to Kukiza. Hence these headaches of the state. Andrzej Duda does not seek to pass the referendum, but to show that his idea is serious and that he has an ally to Kukiza – today the most important recipient of the idea.

A person from the Presidential Palace tells us: ± Expressed so expressively that no one would blame Duda that the referendum does not make sense, because the questions are about garbage. The president asked some fundamental questions (how to elect deputies, the change of presidential system and the validity of referendums already at 30% stake). If they were to coordinate such changes, they would invade the Polish political scene. For PiS, it's not necessary to have such a revolution or even a discussion, since party power is solidifying.

When Andrzej Duda announced his referendum idea on May 3, 2017, he surprised PiS like never before. Now PiS has the opportunity to be satisfied when he rejects this idea in the Senate. The scenario is short: Duda has barely submitted the request, the Senate will consider it. The fact is that Duda sent the request just before the holidays

Just before the start of the Senate meeting, a PiS club will meet to determine how to vote. In practice, Nowogrodzka keeps his senators in uncertainty as to how they will raise their hands, so senators say: we will make a decision at the club. The decision will be made by Senate Deputy Speaker Adam Bielan. When senators receive instructions, they will probably have to drop the proposal by rejecting Duda's request or by abstaining from the vote at the next blitzkrieg – public and unofficial comments indicate it. politicians from the PiS camp.

The National Assembly without opposition. President Duda delivered the speech

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