PiS prepares dublerk Magorzata Gersdorf. This is the trust of Zbigniew Ziobra


Hab. Małgorzata Manowska, director of the National School of Magistracy and Public Prosecutions of Cracow and judge of the Warsaw Court of Appeal, confirmed in an interview with Onet that she was taking part in the competition of the Supreme Court. The 54-year-old lawyer will be the most serious candidate for the position of first president after the changes promoted by PiS. In 2007 she was deputy minister in the Justice Department Zbigniew Ziobro. Andrzej Duda was another deputy minister

Kaczyński fears to strengthen Ziobro's position

– The selection of candidates is made by the General Assembly, that is to say that I plan to present my candidacy, is wrong and results from the ignorance of the law. in conversation with Onet

Manowska has the support of Ziobro and Duda, but PiS chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski is not convinced. – He does not know it, but he knows that this election would be another reinforcement of Minister Ziobro's position. The PC Order is also afraid of this – we hear from our interlocutor.

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