PiS wants to privatize state forests? Morawiecki: We repolish, and do not sell the national assets – Polityka – all about politics in Dziennik.pl


The government has absolutely no plans to privatize state forests.
We are the political camp that goes against ours
predecessors who sold most of the processing plants
– said the Prime Minister. He added that this led Poland to
a situation where "the state does not have technical instruments and
operational even for this procurement intervention in the product areas
agricultural ".

We repolonize, and do not sell the national property – underline Mateusz Morawiecki . He noted that the concerns of repolonization, among other banking sector
and energy. – I can assure you beyond all doubt that we have not
no intention regarding the privatization of Lasów
– he said. – It's up to us
common good
– he added

We had no such intentions, we did not and we will not have – the head of the government pointed out

"Talking about the PiS wants to privatize the state's forests, he
a lie "- a PiS spokesperson Beata wrote earlier on Thursday
Talking about the PiS wants to privatize the state Forests are a lie

– Beata Mazurek (@beatamk) July 19, 2018

On Wednesday, deputies [1945900] PiS amendments submitted, in under which State Forests are to be withdrawn from the shareholders of DP

The bill was resumed this week Sejm . It presupposes the creation of the Polskie Domy Drewniane (PDD) society, whose purpose is to support the construction of housing by using low-energy wood construction technologies. DP will be a housing operator operating under the Mieszkanie plus program. Houses built by DP must be reserved for rental and rental with option of access to the property.

In addition, the company acquires or creates new technological solutions in the field of wood processing.

According to the original project, the founders of the company were to be state forests, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the bank Ochrony Środowiska. The share capital of PDD must rise to at least PLN (19459006) 50 million PLN [1945900]; During the first reading of the project at a meeting of parliamentary committees: infrastructure and protection of the environment, natural resources and forestry, both the opposition and the social side (by For example, representatives of forestry unions) opposed the inclusion of state forests in the DDA. They felt that the proposed provisions were an attempt to privatize the state forests

and that, in the context of the Sejm against this project, they were protesting among other things. Ecologists and Foresters' Trade Unions

On Wednesday, PiS MPs made amendments, stating that state forests should be removed from DDA shareholders. According to the proposed changes to the project, the company will create BOŚ and NFOŚiGW

These amendments were supported by the government

I sadly agree that the state forests will not participate in this business because it is a very profitable business for the environment, for the image of state forests. However, if this is the general will and the votes, of course, we listen to these – said the Minister of the Environment at the meeting of the committee Henryk Kowalczyk

He stressed that the removal of state forests from this project does not threaten implementation of this project. He recalled that the LP as a contribution to the capital of the company was to give about 250-300 ha of land, which in the spatial plan were intended for the construction of housing. They were supposed to be land that is most often found in cities, on their periphery and can not be used for forest management.

The Minister informed that "the land that will be used for this construction is offered by local governments". – These offers are very numerous – he added. According to him, "Polish companies who build wooden houses are very, but very interested in creating this business, the emergence of a market for the construction of houses. Wood. "- With much hope they watch the rise of the DP – he estimates

Kowalczyk also said that discussions with the founders of the DP show that they have the # 39, intention to contribute PLN 100 million to the initial capital – PLN 60 million, and PLN 40 million –

During the committee's work, PiS MEPs also proposed to extend the vacatio legis new regulations.The law would come into force 14 days after the announcement in the Journal of Laws, not the day after the announcement, as planned.

The project proposes that in 2018 -2027 the maximum spending limit of the National Fund for Environmental and Water Protection under the law in 2018 – 60 million PLN, 2019 – 500 million PLN, 2020 – 400 million PLN 2021 – PLN 400 million, PLN 2022 – 300 million, PLN 2023 – PLN 100. From 2024, the Fon There will be no costs associated with the proposed change as the company will earn and fund.

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