# PisząoPolsce Foreign media about Mick Jagger's lyrics


Foreign media recorded Mick Jagger's words at the Sunday concert in Warsaw. – Poland, what a beautiful country. I'm too old to be a judge, but I'm young enough to sing, "said the Rolling Stones' leader to his fans, noticing the concert's situation, including" The New York Times "," Die Welt "or Reuters news agency World media quotes music and reminds of the situation in Poland around the Supreme Court law.

The Rolling Stones concert took place at the National PGE as part of the European tour "Stones – No Filter". Recordings have been sent to the network, where Jagger welcomes the audience from the stage.

– How are you, Warsaw? – He asks in English. Then in Polish he adds: – Poland, what a beautiful country. I am too old to judge, but I am young enough to sing.

– We were in Poland a long time ago, in 1967. You were fantastic – he reminded you in English, adding that the Poles have done a lot since then. – God bless you – he's done.

It is possible that Jagger's words were a reaction to the letter sent a few days ago to Lech Wałęsa's team. The former president asked members of the group to support the independence of the courts

The New York Times

The words of the leader of the Rolling Stones comment foreign media

"Mick Jagger evoked the controversial reform of the Polish judicial system. "Rolling Stones" – writes the New York Times, referring to the Associated Press.

"NYT" quotes the lyrics of the concert musician and recalls that the amendment of the law on the Supreme Court introduces the retirement of the judges year of life.This provision would also apply to the first president of the Supreme Court, but Małgorzata Gersdorf refers to the constitution, which ends the term is set for 2020.

The newspaper also mentions the list of" Polish icon of democracy Lech Wałęsa, who sent Saturday to the team, ask for a gesture of support Polish judges and the rule of law ". "Many European institutions claim that the rule of law in Poland is threatened by careful reform by the right-wing government," writes the New York Times

. Wałęsa's letter

"Die Welt" also notes the situation of the concert. "In Poland, before the concert, many people were wondering if Wałęsa would find the recipient," writes the newspaper. And he adds that "Mick Jagger responded to Wałęsa's request."

"This is a clear allusion to justice reform, which is promoted by the conservative party that governs the PiS," one reads in the newspaper. "Die Welt" also writes about Wałęsa's objection to the amendment of the Supreme Court Law and the conversion of retired SN judges.

The German daily also notes that the European Commission has opened an infringement procedure against Poland. "The Times of Israel" also noted Lech Wałęsa's letter – "the Polish icon of anti-communist freedom" – which "called" The Rolling Stones to "defend Polish freedom"

. . The agency writes that the musician "has added his voice to the chorus of critics, who say that the changes are in conflict with democratic standards."

Author: kb // mtom
Source: New York Times, Die Welt, Reuters, Israel Time

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