PKO BP is not interested in Getin


Adam Torchała

PKO Bank Polski has denied rumors that it is linked to the banks of Leszek Czarnecki. The state giant is not interested in Idea or Getin Nobel.

– PKO BP has never been and is not interested in the acquisition of Getin Noble Bank Polska SA or Idea Bank SA – in a short message on Twitter, the official account of PKO Bank Polski has been published. As added, this position has been presented "in the context of media reports suggestions".

The company may be talking about voices that have seen Leszek Czarnecki's potential candidate take control of state giants (PKO or Pekao) and expand his business. PKO / Pekao could also absorb Getin to solve the problems of the banking system that could be caused by this unprofitable bank for three years. In the latest report, the only bank Getin Noble Bank admitted that after the outbreak of the KNF case, "increased cash outflows" had been recorded.

Now, the situation – according to the bank – has already returned to normal, however, Getin has already increased its deposit offer to a level significantly off the average and also allows them to break in advance . This is a clear search for capital. Not surprisingly, despite a smaller loss than expected, the bank still has a problem of profitability, which, with a lack of equity, still pushes it to improve its balance.

Results from Getin Noble Bank

For now, only the PKO BP has cut the rumors, Pekao has not yet released similar message. It should be noted however that even PKO BP uses only the past and the present, so no scenario can be excluded. In particular, as long as the KNF affair does not resolve and Getin Noble becomes unprofitable, the subject will probably come back.



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