PKP Intercity changed the regulations. They can stop selling tickets without indicating the place


Tickets for PKP Intercity trains are better purchased in advance. The carrier has changed the regulations and in justified cases, it can suspend the sale of tickets – informs "Rynek Kolejowy". It is banknotes without designated place .

In extreme cases, the sale of tickets stopped

On July 8, 2018, at the box office, we could hear that the train was full, seats there are more people seated and you will have to stand up (with a ticket purchased without a seat). Depending on the intensity of the movement, this could mean relatively little discomfort and a small piston. Or an incredible grip that prevents you from moving freely to the toilet or the exit door.

But since Sunday, due to a regulatory change, in such extreme situations, PKP has the opportunity to suspend the sale of tickets.

The driver will decide whether to leave the traveler

ny will not be returned with a receipt. You can go to the orchestra conductor and intervene by presenting a certificate from the cash register. And that the warehouse manager will ultimately depend on whether the traveler from the village . Because it will evaluate whether there are one or more people waiting at the entrance without larger luggage or a large group of travelers.

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Will the changes leave the passengers for good? It depends. On the one hand, the traveler will always be able to assess if he wants to go to the village, which is extremely overcrowded. And before he can buy a ticket. On the other hand – you can also imagine a situation in which a large group of people are trying to get the driver's permission to get on the train. This can cause a lot of confusion, especially when there is not much time to leave.

It is better to buy in advance

The representatives of Intercity encourage you not to buy train ticket at the last minute. It is better to use the service or the application online, as you will immediately receive information indicating whether the train still has seating. The advance purchase of a ticket can also mean savings, because the public carrier offers favorable discounts.


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