PO and Nowoczesna win in Warsaw. They have a big advantage over the PiS


PO and Modern in local government elections, but only in Warsaw, have twice as much support as PiS. The third political force is the Total Party, which is below the electoral threshold in national polls

. The poll was conducted by Public Canton at the OP from June 22-26. The sample included a group of 1000 representative adult residents. Portal 300polityka.pl reached the presentation of the results of the survey

According to this study, PO and Modern in the local government elections in Warsaw can count on 42 percent. support. However, the PiS wants to vote 20 percent. the electors. According to the Kantar public inquiry for the OP, the third force in Warsaw is the Party Together with the support of 9%. respondents. As recalled by the party 300polityka.pl Together with the elections in the capital goes hand in hand with the Greens, the Polish initiative and the free city of Warsaw Jan Śpiewak.

In the SLD and Kukiz & # 39; 15 investigation, they are supported by 5 percent. respondents. For the Community of Local Authorities in Warsaw, he wants to vote 3%, for the Wolność party 2%, and for the PSL 0%.

The portal also reached the results of the second round of presidential elections in Warsaw, which faced Rafał Trzaskowski (PO and N) and Patryk Jaki (Zjednoczona Prawica). The PO candidate would vote for 62%. Voters, and Patryka Jakiego 27.8 percent

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In the survey of community currency indicators released in early July, the result is a little better for Patryk Jakiego. The will to vote for him was declared by 36%. interviewed, and Rafał Trzaskowski 53 percent

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