Poczta Polska: higher pay for nearly 77,000 employees


Salaries in the Polish Post will increase by more than PLN 226 per month on average – according to an agreement signed by the Polish Post Office with the unions – the company announced Tuesday.

  Poczta Polska: Higher wages for nearly 77 thousand employees

As indicated by the postal service, there is another agreement that gross pay, including the current increase, increases by nearly 1200 PLN.

Basic wages will increase by 172 PLN. "Including the apprenticeship allowance, the annual bonus and other components of compensation, the amount of which is affected by the base salary, the average increase in the number of employees. employment will rise to 226 PLN gross "- added.

The increases, paid as compensation from June of this year, will be granted to all employees covered by the collective labor agreement, whose basic salary is less than PLN 5 000. PLN gross.
Poczta Polska Chairman Przemysław Sypniewski, quoted in the statement, said: "This agreement is another element of the systematic salary increase of Poczta Polska and a compromise that takes into account the expectations of employees and their capabilities. financial, including financial. "The board of directors of the company wants the company to be a quality employer who, in addition to high rates, offers principles of remuneration, contracts of employment , regular monthly bonuses, thirteen years, a seniority bonus and fringe benefits. The Socialists, "he stressed

The company reminded that bonuses are also paid regularly – quality-time and tasks (total PLN 273 per month), apprenticeship allowance and an annual bonus, se Thirteen years old

In turn, the minimum basic salary of 3.5 ton truck drivers will increase to 3200 PLN gross. "The higher rates for drivers result from the situation on the labor market – the market pay offered to drivers and the big problems with the recruitment of employees in this occupational group" – explained the company.

The first systemic increases in the Polish Post began in 2016. The current increase is the sixth that employees will receive in 2016-2018. In total, their base salaries will increase by nearly PLN 700 and derivatives by about PLN 1,200. This year alone, Poczta Polska will devote approximately 150 million PLN to the increase in the workforce. In annual terms, the increase will have an impact on the increase in compensation costs of about 255 million PLN

author: Katarzyna Fiuk

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