Poland in the three most dynamic economies of the EU: the EC again raises GDP growth forecasts – Economy


– The latest forecasts from the European Commission confirm the strong development potential of the Polish economy and the fact that public finances in Poland are in very good condition. The deficit forecast for 2017 is consistent with the forecasts presented in the convergence program – said Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Finance

– The European Commission said the deficit could be lower. improve tax collection. The high priority of the Ministry of Finance for these measures also means that the deficit in 2018 should be lower than that predicted by the European Commission – adds Mr Morawiecki

The EC raises the expected GDP growth for Poland

economic growth for Poland of 3.2% up to 3.5 percent in 2017 and 3.1 percent. up to 3.2% According to the Commission, Polish GDP will increase faster due to the rebound in investment and a sharp increase in private consumption.

The EC has drawn attention in its forecasts on a good situation in the Polish labor market. in 2016 at 5.2%. this year, and in 2018, it should reach 4.4%. This is the unemployment calculated using the Eurostat method

At the same time, the financial sector deficit in Poland will grow – it is expected to reach 2.9% this year. and the same amount next year. According to the EC, this will occur due to the increase in public investment and social spending. The EC estimates that the deficit in 2016 is 2.4%.

In Poland, according to the Commission, inflation is also expected to reach 1.8%. this year and 2.1%. in 2018.

Expert: to look at the Polish economy more and more optimistic

The world looks more and more optimistically at the Polish economy, as evidenced by the forecasts European Commission on the growth of Polish GDP in 2017 3.5 percent of 3.2% – says Dr. Marian Szołucha of the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business

– This is another forecast verified additionally, this time by an international entity, everything indicates that the world is looking more and more optimistic about the future of the Polish economy. This is hardly surprising, as tough macroeconomic data such as exports or unemployment, which dropped in April to a record low of 7.7 percent. According to Szołucha in PAP

the only indicator that casts a shadow over him is the dynamics of the investment: "We expect its improvement at the turn of the second and third quarters, if these expectations come true, we can talk about it. 39 We believe in the improvement of GDP, investment, consumption, industrial production, but also to more societal dimensions such as unemployment rate, level of remuneration, prospects for the future. future and future prospects.

In his opinion, if nothing extraordinary happens in the negative sense and if no factor adversely affects our economy, no external factor, then we will be slowly approaching the "glass ceiling", which we have not managed to break for a few years our growth level of our economy rises to 4% – If we break this level, it will be the final confirmation of the trend e positive – says Szołucha.

He estimates that the threshold of 4%. you will not be able to cross this year and probably not next year. This will only be possible in 2019, unless the economic situation improves, also with our most important economic and business partners, led by Germany. – So this level could already be reached in 2018, but we have the opportunity to reach it in 2019 – he said

– The situation in each area, both the results of our economy and the results public finances improve. More and more money is flowing into the state budget, the deficit is lower than expected in the finance law. Even these optimistic assumptions, which critics call unrealistic, turn out to be pierceable and are bursting – said Szołucha

Szewczak: EC forecasts on GDP growth in Poland are very cautious

"The forecasts of the economists of the European Commission are very cautious and I expect that they are out of date," said Thursday the Speaker of Parliament, Szewczak.

Szewczak: the deficit will be lower and the revenues much higher

"I believe that GDP growth could be even higher than forecast by the EC, but above all, all the financial and budgetary indicators will be better that this assumes a high budget deficit, rebuilds an article with a large margin, if criticized, will be much lower, and tax revenues will be significantly higher "- he added.

Szewczak: GDP growth of about 4%.

According to him, Polish GDP growth could fluctuate around 4%. "All indicators, announcements, notes indicate that the next two years will be good for the Polish economy, assuming, of course, that there will be no catastrophe in the global market, financial or commodity market "- he stressed. As Mr Szewczak has said, the tax revenues of the governments of the Civic Platform and the Polish People's Republic have decreased considerably and the scale of fraud and fraud has increased enormously. "One may be surprised that PO and its experts do not take advantage of the opportunity to sit quietly, because you can see that just do not steal and spend more public money and the effects are very positive, "he said.

"It is obvious that the pound of words is not worth the statements of experts and PO politicians who, 18 years ago, were threatening us with a Greek drama: economics, finance, budget, declining growth.In addition, the tightening of the tax system, which only prevents any theft, depriving the Polish budget and Poles' portfolios, has led to an increase in revenues, "said Szewczak


The economy of the euro zone will grow at a rate of 1.7 percent this year and 1.8 percent. in the future – predicts the European Commission. Its analysts are again revised upward their predictions. The GDP of the whole EU is expected to increase by 1.9% this year and next year

The EC released its forecast on Thursday

In the spring, the Commission predicted that the dynamics of economic development in Euroland would rise to 1.6%. this year (and in the fall the forecasts were up 1.5%). The latest forecasts show that the euro zone economy is accelerating

Brussels analysts are more optimistic about the development prospects of the EU as a whole. While in February, they estimated that the increase this year and next year would reach 1.8%, they now predict that it will be 1.9%. for both years

– Europe enters the fifth consecutive year of growth, supported by accommodative monetary policy, solid activity as well as consumer confidence and improved global trade. The good news is that the great uncertainty that has come with us over the past 12 months could begin to diminish – said the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici,

. in Europe in 2017

The European Commission predicts a significant increase in inflation in the euro area, which is expected to recover by 0.2%. this year up to 1.6 percent. in 2017 – results of economic forecasts released Thursday. Throughout the eurozone and the EU, unemployment is down

According to EC projections, price growth needs to be contained – by 2018, euroland should reach 1.3%. The rise in inflation is mainly related to rising oil prices, but their impact is expected to be lower next year according to the commission.

Brussels analysts expect a continuation of the downward trend in unemployment. In the euro area, unemployment is expected to fall to 9.4% this year. and further to 8.9 percent. in 2018, the lowest level since the beginning of 2009.

The improvement is expected to result from growing domestic demand, structural reforms and other activities. companies by some countries to support employment.

The trend in the EU should be similar to that of the euro area. Unemployment in "28" is expected to fall to 8%. in 2017 and further up to 7.7 percent. in 2018. If this forecast works, it will be the lowest level since 2008


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