Poland is the last charity of carbon energy in Europe. A new block will be built at the Ostrołęka power station


National companies Enea and Energa signed on Thursday a contract for the construction of a third coal power plant in Ostrołęka from a consortium of GE Power and Alstom Power Systems. They promised to pay the general contractor 240 million zlotys, or 4%. the value of a huge investment, for its preparation. However, we do not know when construction will begin. – I believe that quickly. Everyone is prepared for it – said Krzysztof Tchórzewski, Minister of Energy, by heart. But although the contract with the winner of the offer has been signed, the financing of the investment is still uncertain.

Elektrownia w Ostrołęce. The last block in Europe

Block C at Ostrołęka with a capacity of 1,000 MW must start operating in 2023 and be the last block of coal in Poland. Although the EU's position on climate policy clearly indicates that higher and higher royalties will be imposed on coal, the Ministry of Energy says that without an effective operational source, Poland will not be able to cope with the growing demand for electricity. Neither develop production in RES. – We have no influence when the wind is blowing or when the sun is shining. To have more renewable energy in Poland and not be afraid of the need to reduce consumption, as was the case in Britain, we must be protected and have more conventional power – explains Tchórzewski [19659004]! t, s) {
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