"Poland is the only country in Europe with the consent of China for the export of poultry"


– We are the only country in Europe to allow China to export poultry meat – said Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski.

Huge Chinese market reopens for Polish poultry

Polish poultry will return to China again. The agreement on this issue was signed Tuesday by the Minister of Agriculture, Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, and the Minister General …

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The minister asked in the Siódma9 program about his visit to China, if he was looking for new markets, which would replace the Russian market, often closed to Polish farmers. The Russian market is chimerical and closed for a long time for Poland.

He explained that in Russia, the economy is a fragment of politics and that the Kremlin decides who buys or not.

– We can not be dependent on such a market. Fortunately, when the Russians put in place various embargoes and showed us "the gesture of Kozakiewicz", our agriculture depended only 4% of our exports to Russia. (…). We have found new markets, we have been looking for them for many years. Minister Sawicki did a lot, Jurgiel did a lot in this business, "said Ardanowski.

– I manage to finalize some things. For example, we are the only country in Europe that allows China to export poultry meat. Only Poland exports to China. It's a huge market. Therefore, as it should, I immediately began talks with the Minister of Agriculture, with the Minister of Customs (China – ed.), To expand the next companies to the next products. The Chinese buy, but we do not just watch the Chinese. It's also Asia, the Gulf countries and North Africa – he said.

Open Chinese market for Polish poultry

The Chinese market has been open for the export of Polish poultry – said the chief of veterinary services. The right to ship to five poultry factories …

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He added that he was constantly looking for markets for Polish products, as Poland is a "surplus country in food", which our farmers sometimes do not understand.

– We have much more to eat than to eat as a Polish nation. Especially poultry, milk and dairy products (…), as well as fruits and vegetables – he said.

According to the Minister, it is also necessary to regain the internal market "by calling on our brothers and sisters: if you wish to wish your loved ones to the countryside, the Polish economy, Poland – try to buy Polish products ".

The minister also talked about helping apple growers who have abundant harvests this year, so the prices are very low. He recalled that this year, a mechanism to remove half a million tonnes of apples from the market had been put in place.

– it works. He is contracted 450 thousand. tons. Of course, people say, sir, whoever he saw that it was not in my village. It is not like that. Fruit growers should organize themselves knowing how this market works. I think there are now tears of crocodiles on the problems they have often caused, he said.

– However, these 450 thousand. tons of market apples are removed. Pressed and processed differently, it now costs several thousand tons per day. M. in. At my request, the National Sugar Company processes 11,000 apples in one of its plants. tons per day for apple mousse. (…) We try to help develop what God has given and improve certain parameters in the market. However, there is the problem of large factories that have received state subsidies from the RDP, who play in the market as a bandit – he said.


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