Polanski's wife rejected the invitation of the Academy. Emmanuelle Seigner defends her husband


Emmanuelle Seigner publishes an open letter to the Academy of Knowledge and Art in the French newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche". The actress has plainly explained why she would not decide to become a member of the Academy and therefore will not decide who will receive the prestigious Oscar.

"I have always been a feminist, but I can not ignore the fact that the Academy threw my husband Roman Polański to satisfy the zeitgeist." – The director's wife wrote. "The same Academy, which awarded him in 2002 an Oscar for" The Pianist "What a strange case of amnesia! The Academy undoubtedly thinks that I am an actress without backside who relies on social progress and I am Forget that for 29 years I am the wife of one of the greatest directors

Roman Polanski was removed from the Academy team with Bill Cosbym as a result of a new code of conduct passed in December.The new guidelines were created following the case with Harvey Weinstein.The official reason is the case related to Samantha Geimer. are still open and the director can not go to the United States, where he would be arrested and brought to justice.The director had sex with Geimer then aged 13 and was accused of being a rape

Seigner is one of the 928 people to whom the Academy has sent invitations this year.According to experts, such a number of new members is to improve the image of the victim, increasing the percentage of women and representatives of other races in his group. Nearly half of the invited artists are women.

Roman Polański lives and creates now in France and Switzerland; visit also often Poland. Switzerland and Poland have rejected extradition requests from the United States to the United States, while France has not concluded any extradition agreement with the United States. The director tried to complete the process several times without having to appear in court. No attempts to date have been successful

source: filmweb.pl

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