Poles have problems with the RODO. Hundreds of complaints to the Office for the protection of personal data


  A common problem is the unauthorized provision of medical records

A frequent problem is the unauthorized provision of medical records

756 complaints about the RODO introduced at the end of May have already been received by UODO. Poles most often complain about inadequate correspondence, loss of documents or illegal sharing of medical records.

UODO President Edyta Bielak-Jomaa summarized Wednesday with his colleagues nearly two months of strict provisions on the protection of personal data. She received 756 complaints and more than 600 questions on the application of new regulations to her office

Many complaints relate to irregularities in the conduct of correspondence. – It is sent by mistake, sent to third parties, unauthorized – said Monika Krasińska of UODO. Video: the Minister of Digitization about RODO: the company audits have already begun

Another problem for the publication of documents in the Public Information Bulletin where the data is not blurred, which should not be made public. Illegal data sharing also occurs in hospitals that disclose medical documents in an unauthorized manner.

Another problem is the loss of documents or data carriers – in this way, personal data falls into the wrong hands. when recruiting employees. – The administrator must ensure that all data are obtained solely for the purpose necessary to hire an employee – stressed Paulina Dawidczyk of UODO

Edyta Bielak-Jomaa announced that his office is in the process of update the guide, which will contain information about .in. on how to properly process employee data. – We want to prepare a document that will help employers, employees, people also employed under civil law contracts – explained

Monday, "Rzeczpospolita" informed of the problems that the Poles are facing in relation to the RODO. Taxpayers have also joined the group of victims, who, without a visit to the office, find it difficult to obtain even trivial information.

See also: Absurdy RODO. Unsigned Drawings of Preschool Children and Verification of Presence after Numbers

Telephone information, such as when the taxpayer can rely on reimbursement of overpayment, collides with a short refusal – "because RODO". It is necessary to go to the tax office for the most trivial information in person.

This psychosis spreads more and more. Officials refer to the provisions on the protection of personal data out of fear. Although KAS ensures that the phone route in contacts with the office is desirable.

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