Police and prosecutors at Deutsche Bank headquarters


German investigators search the premises of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt. The action is linked to the revelations revealed in the "Panama Papers" and to the suspicions of money laundering – informs the AFP.

According to the prosecutor's office, the investigation is based on the assumption that the largest German lender has helped clients create companies in tax havens, in order to "transfer money fired from crimes "on accounts of Deutsche Bank.

In total, more than 170 police officers and prosecutors are involved in the search, which raided the headquarters of six banks in Frankfurt.

Deutsche Bank confirmed the search and assured in the statement that it was cooperating fully with the authorities.

German prosecutors reported that the investigation focused on the activities of two Deutsche Bank employees aged 50 to 46 and several other employees in positions of responsibility.

The Panama Papers show that they can be accused of "failing to report suspicions of money laundering while they have sufficient evidence" at trial.

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