Police protest: Agents do not want to be worse than balconies. They will be instructions instead of identification information!


What is the difference between a balcony and a policeman? The first can support a family of five – such a joke is cited by zabrawnik.pl, the main council of independent police unions. And he simply says: – We believe that for our hard, responsible and dangerous service, we are entitled to the equitable conditions of its performance and its remuneration.

The NSZZ police are trying to obtain legendary comparisons of wages with the cashiers of the popular supermarkets – the agents earn less than they would get "at the counter" in Biedronka or Lidl. A qualified police officer would receive a salary of 2.8 thousand. PLN net.

Therefore, on July 10, the NSZZ Policemen Lead Council announces the start of the Protest Action, recalling that nearly 30,000 police officers voted against this form of protest in a referendum.

– The reason for our opposition is economic and, contrary to innuendo, it is a completely apolitical protest – emphasizes Rafał Jankowski, president of ZG NSZZ Policejantów. – Its purpose is to draw public attention to the dramatic deterioration of the staff's financial situation and staff shortages, resulting in overburdening of duties for police officers.


The course of protest should appeal to the perpetrators: the police will not approach them with the "fare in hand" – if the officer decides that it is not the case. author can be instructed, he will not commit another offense, he will refrain from writing a ticket. Apply such a possibility resulting from the art. 41 of the Minor Offenses Code should not be extended to obvious cases of violation of the law, whose perpetrators will always be threatened with criminal fines.

– Security is a priority – adds Rafał Jankowski

Andrzej Szary, chairman of the NSZZ Regional Police Council of Wielkopolska province, says that he has not received any opinion from a police officer who does not want to support the protest.

– It would be odd that the police would not want to seize the opportunity to act, which could improve their situation, and by its magnitude – attention to public work – says the podinsp. Andrzej Szary.

And he adds: – Instructions intended to be a means of educational influence, applied to the greatest extent possible, are not indulgent, for example roadside checks: the police officer performs his duties with precision, checks in what circumstances the offense has occurred, he speaks to the attacker and only when he decides that he can actually use the instruction does it.

The protest action will certainly bring "worse results" in terms of revenue from the seats. If this does not end with talks at the governmental level, next month, the police will join the Italian strike – an excessively strict compliance with the regulations. This may have the effect that the agents ask: that the state budget of PLN 650 for a policeman, unblocks wage indexing, restores the previous pension system, pays overtime and a period of 30-day protection after sick leave.


SEE ALSO: Police: Pol & Rock & with increased risk. J. Owsiak: We appeal this decision

Source: TVN24

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