Polish immigrants send billions of dollars to their homeland. More and more money is flowing to Ukraine


Polish immigrants working abroad sent to Poland in the first quarter of 2018, 3.7 billion ³. In almost 60 percent. transfers came from two countries – Germany and Great Britain. Poles working for Western neighbors sent 1.3 billion zlotys to their homeland, while those from the islands paid 0.8 billion zlotys. The NBP in the published report points out that last year this group sent Poland about 0.2 billion zlotys more.

The Bank also distinguishes in its report whether the money comes from those who have long remained outside Poland or left recently. Those who leave for Poland sent PLN 0.8 billion (24% of all transfers), long-term employees or people living abroad, 2.8 billion (76% of transfers).

More and more money is flowing from Poland

The growing number of immigrants working in our country is reflected in the growing number of transfers from Poland. In the first quarter, they were sent for PLN 3.4 billion. That is 0.7 billion PLN more than a year ago.

Most of the money, up to 86%, or 2.9 billion zlotys, was sent to Ukraine. And especially by those who work in Poland for a short time. A year ago, they sent 2.4 billion zlotys to their country of origin.

In Poland, there are more immigrants

At the end of 2017, 440,000 people were registered in Poland. working immigrants. By the end of March 2018, it was already 476,000. – Minister El¿bieta Rafalska listed at the press conference in June. And there will be even more, because from 1 July a regulation of the Ministry of Labor became applicable, which extends the possibility of employing employees from outside Poland in 289 professions. This simplifies the procedures.

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Also, as we have already mentioned, the citizens of Armenia, Byelorussia, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine can already work with us without permission – a statement appropriate employer is sufficient. This will allow companies to recruit much faster – explains the Ministry of the Family.


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