Polish representatives victims of financial scandal GetBack? Team for the World Cup


Recall that GetBack is a debt collection company that deals with the purchase of outstanding debts and settlements with debtors. However, in recent months, the problems of the company have caused a financial scandal. The company founded in Wroclaw began to have bigger problems with the sale of bonds, from which it financed the purchase of debt portfolios.

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years have ceased to regulate their obligations. Reports published in May showed that the company had recorded a loss of 1.3 billion PLN last year (!). This in turn meant that he exceeded the value of his own capital

>> "I have never been afraid of the challenges of my life". Jerzy Brzęczek salutes the performance. According to the journalist of the "Weszło" portal, Krzysztof Stanowski, a victim of the financial scandal, the company's former chairman and his partner were arrested in June and accused of attempting to extort 250 million euros. zlotys to Robert Lewandowski

The Polish Development Fund could become a member of the Polish national team. – I hear about very large investment losses to a minimum of two people, including one on tens of millions of zlotys – writes a reporter in a post posted on Twitter

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It is not clear exactly who it is. It is also not known if the case involves players or staff members. However, if this is true, it could turn out that such an affair has had a significant impact on the attitude and work of the people affected during the World Cup in Russia.


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