Pompeo calls on North Korea to maintain its promise of denuclearization


While Pompeo spoke of the need for countries to honor their commitments, the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, directly called on Russia and China to block US attempts to increase pressure on Pyongyang. [19] Pompeo, speaking to reporters at the UN with Haley at his side, said that he and President Donald Trump remain "optimistic" about the prospects of a denuclearization agreement with Kim, even S & # He seemed to betray some frustration when he was asked to see North Korea.

"It's really very simple, agree," says Pompeo. "And this is not my – it's not my description of what needs to happen. President Kim has made a promise. President Kim has said not only President Trump, but (south of Korea) President Moon that he was ready to denuclearize.North Koreans understand what this means: there is no mistake about the scope of denuclearization. "[19659003"Sowhatdoweneedtosee?"Pompeoasked"WemustseePresidentKimdowhathepromisedtheworldthathewoulddoIt'snotverysophisticatedbutit'sthetruth"

Earlier, Pompeo had said that he and Trump were optimistic that progress was being made. "President Trump remains optimistic about the prospects of denuclearization of North Korea," said the top US diplomat. "Me too, as progress progresses."

But Pompeo was at the UN with Haley to deal with problems, no progress. He noted that Pyongyang had illegally smuggled oil 89 times in the first five months of the year using ship-to-ship transfers.

North Korea is currently smuggling petroleum products to a level well in excess of UN quotas, "said Pompeo, adding that" illegal transfers of ship to ship are the most important means by which this happens. "

These transfers continue to occur," he said. "The United States reminds every UN member state of its responsibility to stop illegal transfers of ships to ships, and we urge them to step up their law enforcement efforts, "said Pompeo.When sanctions are not strictly enforced," the prospects of successful denuclearization are diminished. "

" That do they tell us? "

Haley shouted directly to Russia and China, referring to an attempt by the United States on Thursday to file a complaint to the UN to discipline Korea. North for smuggling China and Russia blocked the measure

"We have photos of evidence of ship-to-ship transfers," said Haley, speaking of the US complaint, adding: "Now that China and Russia block it, what do they tell us t? "They tell us that they want to continue to supply this oil? They say that they need more information.

Pompeo also called on UN members to crack down on other forms of escape from sanctions, "including the smuggling of coal by sea, smuggling through land borders and the presence of North Korean guest workers in some countries. "

The secretary stated that North Korea's cyber flights and other criminal activities also generated significant revenue for the regime," and they must be stopped. "

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