Pompeo travels to Mexico to meet new elected president of left


WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will lead Friday a Cabinet-level delegation to Mexico, in the wake of an election in favor of the change that could offer a chance to neighbors

Relations between the United States and Mexico have deteriorated considerably under President Donald Trump, who campaigned for the construction of a border wall and who accused Mexico of economic problems in the United States. More recently, tariff negotiations between Mexico and the United States over trade between the United States in tense negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA have raised fears a total trade war. Trump called the free trade pact, which also includes Canada, a job killer for Americans.

However, following the overwhelming victory of leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, tensions eased. Both leaders made positive statements following a phone call earlier this month; the wall was not mentioned. Lopez Obrador will replace President Enrique Pena Nieto in December

Joining Pompeo Friday will be Trump's son-in-law and White House advisor Jared Kushner, who played a key role in maintaining relations with Mexico, partly because of close ties with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the current government, Luis Videgaray. Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

said the visit was intended to demonstrate the strength and importance of US-Mexico relations and readiness Trump administration to work with the new government. . The entire delegation will meet separately with Pena Nieto and Lopez Obrador and discuss ways to combat transnational criminal organizations, the opioid epidemic in the United States, trade tensions and irregular migration.

Sharing a border of nearly 2,000 kilometers (3,200 kilometers) Traditionally, Mexico and the United States have closely coordinated security and immigration. Mexico is also the United States' third largest trading partner for merchandise, with the United States purchasing about 80% of Mexico's exports of automobiles to fruits, vegetables and beer.

A proposed plan is to declare Mexico a "safe third country". "Which means that people traveling through Mexico in the hope of seeking asylum in the United States would do so in Mexico, according to a Mexican official who spoke under cover of anonymity because he was not allowed to inform the media, however, he added, the proposal has very little echo in Mexico because it would overwhelm the country. tens of thousands of asylum seekers a year, which countries lack for the resources at their disposal.

Lopez Obrador did not respond directly, saying only that immigration does not should not involve "coercive measures."

The elected president of Mexico said that development, renegotiation of NAFTA and immigration will be the main topics of discussion on Friday.Lopez Obrador, who has much advocated for increased support for the poor of Mexico and for the fight against government corruption, ad clared that the encouraging development in Mexico would help solve the problems of & # 39; immigration.

Despite positive statements from both sides, destabilizing Mexican-US relations if one or the other of the leaders aimed the other to appeal to his political base at home. They are unlikely partners because they occupy opposite ends of the political spectrum.

Lopez Obrador has already announced that his government will cancel an ongoing purchase of US helicopters as an example of cost-cutting measures. Initially, the sale was promoted by the State Department as an action that would help a strategic partner fight against criminal organizations.

And the November mid-term elections in the United States suggest that Trump might return to the rhetoric of his presidential campaign. to Mexico.


The Associated Press writer Mark Stevenson contributed from Mexico City.

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