Pompeo will defend Trump with the "proof" of the actions of the administration against Russia


"We do not know what the truth is, because no one else was in the room when it happened," Menendez said.

On election interference in particular, Mr. Pompeo will tell the committee that the President accepts the conclusions that the Russian cyber attacks have taken place, and that he "has a complete and correct understanding of this. which has happened ". Mr. Trump, he will insist, deeply respects the work of the intelligence community – a notion that the President left in doubt in Helsinki, when he said that he had to weigh his assertions on the electoral interference against the denials of Mr Putin that it took place.

million. Pompeo also plans to offer what he calls "proof that President Trump holds Russia accountable," including the imposition of sanctions, the expulsion of diplomats and the closure of A consulate, and the supply of arms to Ukraine. "If that's not enough," Mr. Pompeo says in his planned remarks that he has brought to the committee a long list of other actions that the administration has taken against Russia.

] And Mr. Pompeo drew attention to an official statement, issued by the State Department just before he spoke, who refused to recognize the "state of the art". annexation of Crimea by Russia and declared that it "contravened international law". was Trump's administration policy, after Mr Trump seemed to equivocate on his position and among the assertions of Russian officials that he and Mr Putin discussed to determine the f

The great question of lawmakers: that s & Did he go to Helsinki?

More than a week has passed since Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin met in Helsinki, Finland, but lawmakers still want answers to the basic questions: What did They talk? What was agreed, if any?

Trump was accompanied to the meeting only by an interpreter. Exactly what has been said on topics such as Ukraine and Syria, as well as Russian interference in the 2016 US elections, remains a mystery. Mr. Trump's contradictory statements since then have not helped things.

million. Pompeo did not attend the meeting, but he should shed light on the secret discussion.

"Every member of the committee will have the opportunity to grill him to find out what happened at this meeting," said Mr. Corker.


How Republican Lawmakers Reacted to Trump's Russian Denial

The reports of the President's comments provoked the outcry of some lawmakers, but they were followed by notable silence from others.

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"I can not wait to do the same thing," he added. "I do not know what happened."

The meeting was "incredibly important," says Pompeo. Pompeo said on Tuesday that he had spoken to Mr Trump about the Helsinki meeting and that he had also spoken to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. "Mr. Pompeo said.He called the meeting" incredibly important "and that" the world will have benefited from the writing of history. "

When he testifies, Mr. Pompeo will most likely echo the President saying that the Trump administration has "We will testify on many things, including the relationship between the United States and Russia," he said, adding: " I think one of the things that gets lost is the determination that this administration has had in pushing back against slanderous Russian behavior around the world. "

Among these steps, according to a senior government official on Wednesday, is a new statement to formally clarify that the Trump administration recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. Most global instances and international – including the United States, Europe, the United Nations and NATO – do not recognize that Russia seized the Ukrainian peninsulas

The Trump administration told several times in the past that she does not recognize Crimea as part of Russia.But Mr. Trump said during the 2016 presidential campaign that he would consider recognizing annexation. " the meeting in Helsinki, the Russian ambassador to the United States said that the presidents had privately discussed the possibility of a referendum to determine the future of Ukraine.But a door of the White House for the Council l of national security rejected such a referendum, saying that it would have "no legitimacy".

A Trump Critic is Back in the Spotlight

Among Republican lawmakers, Mr. Corker was one of the most outspoken in speaking critically of Mr. Trump. Wednesday's hearing gives Corker a platform to offer an assessment of some of the president's recent actions on the world stage.

There are reasons to expect that he will unburden himself of some disapproving thoughts

. Corker was clearly in distress after Trump uttered harsh words for NATO allies this month. And after Mr. Trump's performance in Helsinki, Mr. Corker openly guessed that Mr. Putin was celebrating with caviar.

Corker, who is not seeking re-election and is therefore less cluttered when it comes to criticizing the president, has said that he would not hold back when Mr. Pompeo would appear before his committee

. I think it will not happen in Helsinki, I will not sit in this body any more, "said Corker.

Senators call for new sanctions

Instead of demanding answers about what happened at the Trump-Putin meeting There was also talk of taking additional measures to counter Russian aggression.

On Tuesday, Mr. Menendez and Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of Canada, discussed concrete steps that Congress could take in this regard. South Carolina has described the legislation that they are preparing to put new sanctions on Russia.

Additional sanctions, senators said in a joint statement, are intended to "ensure the maximum impact on the Kremlin campaign a

There is also the question of North Korea [19659032JustsixweeksagoTrumpmetwithNorthKoreanleaderKimJong-unandMenendeznotedlastweekthatthegrouphadoriginallyaskedMrPompeotoappeartodiscussthesummitNorthKoreawhichtookplaceinSingaporeinJune

Expect that this topic also arises.America is more protected from the threat of Korea's North? "Asked Mr. Menendez," We have no idea. "

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