Postal workers will receive an increase – Puls Biznesu


The Polish Post does not want to be worse than the discounters

The Polish Post does not want to be worse than the discounters. Tuesday, state
a company that is one of the largest employers in the country,
informed of the signing of the agreement with the unions. On his
base pay will increase by 172 PLN and – as the company
– with internship allowances, annual bonuses and other elements
the average monthly increase in pay will rise to 226 gross PLN. in force
it's almost 77 thousand employees covered by the collective labor agreement
Labor and those who pay less than 5,000 PLN gross PLN. It's already
the sixth salary increase in Poczta Polska since 2016.

– The agreement is another element of the systematic increase in wages
Poczta Polska and a compromise that takes into account expectations
employees and the financial capabilities of the company, including its financial stability
– Przemysław Sypniewski, President of Poczta Polska.

The company estimates that she will spend this year about 150 million zlotys
in annual terms, the cost of remuneration will increase by PLN 255 million. In 2017.
the company recorded PLN 5.88 billion of
including Bank Pocztowy), or 9.3%. more than a year

At the same time, it recorded a net loss of PLN 20 million.

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