Poznań: Stops concerning the collapse of Staropolski Bank


The court found Piotr B. guilty of causing significant damage in 1998 and 1999 to the property of Bank Staropolski SA in Poznan, of an amount of at least $ 127 million. zlotys. Four former members of the Board of Directors of Staropolski Bank were sentenced with him. Three others were acquitted of the court against the charges [19659002] The court declared that Piotr B., "creating a one-person management system, in which the implementation of the significant economic commitments of entities participating in the system operating under the Auto-Kredyt-Polska's name depended on his decision. in order to enjoy the benefits of assets other than Bank Staropolski SA, (…) he directed the abuses of members of the board of directors of the bank and breached their obligations, causing damage to large property to Bank Staropolski SA "[19659003] The court decided that this should happen, inter alia by not creating, despite the regulations in force and contrary to the recommendations, specific provisions for risks related to deposits Interbank banks established in a Ukrainian bank.And also because of the transfer of interbank deposits of 93 million marks and 99 million dollars from a bank in Ukraine to a disadvantaged Moldovan bank

– The sentence I am I was able to impose was from one to 10. You must understand that the accused are actually punished – 14 or 18. It follows from the fact that this procedure continues, they are stigmatized all the time, their potential gain is limited – they have already assumed responsibility for it. These are people who do not deserve a higher sentence – said Judge Sławomir Szymański in justification of the sentence

As stated, the defendants committed an error, but operated in a "specific system – legal and supervisory – the 1990s. – Recognizing that in such a case, they should be punished as severely as possible, it is only retaliation for the result. That does not take into account what happened then. Many factors are to blame for this. The degree of fault of the accused is less than the maximum, which the prosecution saw, "he said.

The judge justified the judgment by the fact that the object of the proceedings is "indirectly linked to the bankruptcy of the Staropolski Bank." – None of the defendants is accused of bankruptcy of the bank, only for causing damage – he stressed. At the same time, he pointed out that because of the scale of the damage he inflicted heavy fines

.He also repeatedly criticized the prosecutor's work. case, the allegations that have been made, were falsely made from the legal point of view, sometimes contradict the point of view.If the prosecutor in 2004 has discharged this task, this case will take place in court 10 years later – he pointed out – he noted that the prosecutor, defining the harm each defendant, the & # 39; said about 560 million zlotys. Meanwhile, the defendants were affiliated with Staropolski Bank in different years

The proceedings were pending before the 14-year-old court. He was preceded by a four-year prosecutor's investigation. As a result of juror's illness, in January 2016, the trial after more than 300 lawsuits had to start again. After the change of the composition of the court, before the announcement of the verdict, the court set more than 90 dates of hearing

Piotr B. was arrested in 2000. The trial in the court of Poznań district started in 2005. As the media reported then, the defendants had to expose the bank to damages of 560 million zlotys. About 40,000 people were to be involved in this case. The people who made their savings in this bank

The district court of Poznań declared bankruptcy of the bank Staropolski in February 2000, less than a month after the suspension of its activities by the Banking Supervision Commission . The former Polish bank, on 12 January 2000, had a deficit of 473.76 million zlotys. The Banking Supervision Commission justified its decision to suspend the activities of Bank Staropolski by exceeding the bank's concentration standards for loans

– this is a very difficult issue. I think that, apart from the case of FOZZ, the most difficult in the Polish dimension of justice. She was doing extremely well, there was no obstruction here. There is no doubt that this case has not ended – this is its first step. What we have heard will surely entail a call from the prosecutor and the accused, "said Wojciech Wiza, lawyer after the verdict.

– It seems that the court wanted to find a ground of agreement between the prosecution 's efforts to prove guilt – with half a billion losses (charged by the prosecutor), the court estimated it to be 127 million, so that it' s only There is a fundamental difference: The court of appeal will probably ask questions about the limitation period – added Mariusz Paplaczyk

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