President at the meeting with the insurgents: I want to turn my head in memory of Lech Kaczyński – News and information of the country


The President – on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising – participated in a meeting with the Warsaw insurgents. During the ceremony that took place at the Freedom Park of the Warsaw Uprising Museum the president gave orders and state decorations.

Duda recalled that the memory of the Warsaw Uprising had been obliterated by the communist authorities. he never managed to erase it because he was so strong. " It could not be forbidden to commemorate the Warsaw uprising and the Warsaw insurgents, and at the same time it could not be appropriate because the Warsaw Uprising in a large part was a protest against the Communist Slavery

Ziutek – an Army soldier from the Interior who wrote: "We are waiting for you, red light, that you save us from the black death." "We all remember these words and we pay tribute to that, I am convinced that you feel, our wonderful heroes, the great respect that young people have for the state, not only on August 1 of each year, but everyday. you have been and you are there. "

I always talk about it – but I think it's never enough – how grateful Poland is to her heroes, to those who are now witnesses of history and those who left and those who died then and did not wait for a free Poland (…) Poland will never forget her heroes, and perhaps most of all thanks to institutions such as the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising – the great work of President Prof. Lech Kaczyński, promised by his residents, when he became President of Warsaw and when he firmly decided that he was a place pledged for decades, and finally – stated that the President

pointed out that even though it was not raised in Warsaw the importance of the Museum of l & # 39; 39 Warsaw uprising for insurgents and all those who remember the Warsaw uprising and want to commemorate the insurgents of expired and alive

The President mentions that he read the memoirs of the soldiers of the Zośka Battalion and the book of Aleksander Kamiński. He expressed his sadness when he took a walk in the footsteps of the fights his father took from him, the museum did not exist yet. "How beautiful it would be if I could finish my pilgrimage in a place like this, but it was not."

Therefore, I also want to turn to the memory of Lech Kaczyński with respect and gratitude. , who contributed to the establishment of the Warsaw Uprising Museum – he said

Thanked museum management employees, volunteers, all who cooperate and sympathize with the museum , who organize each year "

He pointed out that" thanks to attitudes such as the attitudes of scouts who answer every year to the call for birthday support, they come to Warsaw, the memory will last forever and will be stronger for all those who fought for free Poland. "

The President thanked for the insurgents who came to the ceremony to take part in the celebration and to testify" despite many difficulties, particularly physical ones. "

You are here to testify again your love for your homeland and its importance for you education of the next generations for Poland.It is thanks to your efforts that they will be like that, they will be like you.I wish this to Poland – he said

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