President Małgorzata Gersdorf begins her holidays


Małgorzata Gersdorf started her holidays. During his absence, the duties of the First President of the Supreme Court shall be exercised by Judge Józef Iwulski. – There is a plan for Judge Gersdorf to return after his holidays – said Iwulski on Monday.

According to the amended Supreme Court Act, on July 4, Supreme Court justices who were 65 years old were to retire. They could continue to rule whether in the month following the entry into force of the new law, until May 4, they would make an appropriate statement and provide appropriate medical certificates, and the president would agree to continue to occupy the position of judge of the Supreme Court. arguing that his mandate is guaranteed by the constitution. Earlier in the resolution, Gersdorf's six-year term was emphasized by Supreme Court justices. The duties of the First President during the absence of Gersdorf will be exercised by the President of the Chamber of Employment and Social Security, Józef Iwulski. – I am not a deputy, let alone the successor of the first President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf, and will replace her only if she is absent – said Judge Iwulski last week

According to the Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak, Małgorzata Gersdorf can not be on leave because" she is a retired judge ". Piebiak thinks that at the moment President Andrzej Duda has issued an "official act of President declaring that Mrs. Judge Gersdorf is retired, it is really the legal end of the discussion". – The former first president of the Supreme Court is a retired judge, so without permission can not come – said the deputy minister

Of the 73 judges of the Supreme Court, 27 have completed 65 years . Of these 27 judges, statements regarding the willingness to remain in office with the appointment of a new law on the Supreme Court were submitted by nine. In seven subsequent statements, the judges did not invoke these provisions and did not provide health certificates. 11 judges have not submitted statements

14 judges of the Supreme Court have retired on 4 July – said Michał Laskowski, spokesman for the press Friday. "But we emphasize and emphasize this clearly: these transitions in the state

dormancy is not voluntary. In our opinion, they violate the rules of the constitution and I hope that some authorities will find it once, "said the judge.

He stipulated that another situation is in the case of the 15th letter and President Gersdorf. with regard to the first president of the Supreme Court, we are dealing with the direct application of the Constitution ", in which a six-year term was written

Currently in the active state, including the first president, there are 59 judges in the Supreme Court 55. In addition to President Gersdorf, who does not say, "we still have three judges who made statements of different content with a constitutional reference and these statements have sent to the national judicial register "We did not encourage him to go on vacation" [1] 9659017] Józef Iwulski, President of the Supreme Court of Labor and Social Security, questioned Monday on the current situation from Małgorzata Gersdorf, confirmed that he was officially on vacation – According to what I know, he has 38 days of vacation – said the judge.

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When Gersdorf returns to the position of First President of the Supreme Court after these 38 days, Iwulski said that" it is the plan for today. hui ". – But the situation is dynamic, it changes almost from hour to hour – he stressed. – Not in this sense, I say that it is dynamic, that (Gersdorf – Ed.) Would not come back, but, as I say, it is difficult to predict – explains the judge

to the question what will the HR department do? In the opinion of PiS, he will break the law, Iwulski replied: "and that's my case". – My first acting president, he said. Asked what will be the final result of the case, he replied: "Let me keep the secret for the moment."

– I have not yet, I have an idea, of course, in agreement with the first president – he admitted. He pointed out that he still has to get approval from the chief accountant, because that is the most important thing in financial matters. – There is an idea to withdraw as much as it should be, and the rest to file, such financial Iwulski explained.

He admitted that in the Supreme Court, Gersdorf was persuaded to leave after July 4, "so that even a week" remains. – It was the decision of the first president, I did not interfere – said the judge. He however specified that he understood this decision

Author: KR mtom, rzw
Source: tvn24

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