President of TVP: Thanks to the lifting of Nielsen's dogma, TVP won 10 million PLN at the World Cup


TVP President Jacek Kurski said at the press conference that the World Cup was "a contribution to our discussion and a dispute with the telemetry monopolist". – In the case of the World Cup, the difference between NIV and Nielsen was 38%. Jacek Kurski: For the first time in 16 years TVP

– For the first time in 16 years, TVP1, TVP2 and the entire Polish television group have seen their audience increase, the president announced Tuesday. … PVT

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During the World Cup, the number of users of all PST services increased by 2.37 million, or 8.11 million people in total. Users generated more than 120 million visits to TVP websites. This is a great success of Polish television – said Kurski.

– The Mundial has turned out to be a big hit of Polish television both in terms of record audience, in terms of record revenues – said Jacek Kurski, the president of TVP, at the press conference.

As he said, it was about 886 hours of live coverage of matches and studies before and after the matches; in TVP1 it was 143 hours, in TVP2 – 92 hours, in TVP Sport – 612 hours, and in TVP3 there were rehearsals of some matches – 38 hours.

As Kurski pointed out, the decision to enter terrestrial television with a themed sports channel turned out to be a thunderclap, "with a listening rate average of more than half a million ".

– TVP Sport has gathered more than 2 million viewers in front of televisions (…) People want to have free TVP Sport, a thematic channel available free to all. This is the mission of public television – said Kurski.

A board member of TVP Maciej Stanecki also drew attention to the success of TVP on the Internet.

More than half a million viewers simultaneously watched the transmission online, these figures on the Polish Internet have not been so far. (…) This has increased by more than 40% the number of users on all sites. – He said.

Chairman TVP noted that there was an increase in the number of users on all sites of 2 million 370 thousand.

– In total, 8 million 111 thousand users, more than 120 million views, users have generated on TVP (…) This is an incredible success online – he stressed. As mentioned, the most games were played by Poland-Senegal. Then successively: Poland-Japan, Poland-Colombia, Croatia-England semi-final and France-Croatia final.

Kurski stated that the World Cup was also "a contribution to our discussion and a dispute with the telemetry monopolist".

– We are used to the fact that Nielsen's data show about 10%. fewer viewers than the Real Visibility Model (MOR), which is managed by experts cooperating with Polish television. But in the case of the World Cup, the gap between MOR and Nielsen rose to 38%. It's a staggering datum – he felt.

According to him, "fair competition, honest work on the television market" is impossible with such large differences in the number of viewers. – It all depends on the measurement – image, prestige, advertising influences – he stressed.

As reported, TVP earned 10 million net PLN on the World Cup.

– The turnover amounts to 77 million PLN and costs PLN 67 million. We made money because, for the first time in history, we decided not to rely on the "money" of Nielsen, we dictated the price list, c & # 39; that is, the price list we offer. We have recognized and shown to the market that, in our opinion, so many people are watching the match, and that is the amount of advertising before, during and after the match. The market has listened to us – he stressed.

– And that's only thanks to the fact that we broke Nielsen's dogma that we earned 10 million zlotys for the first time during such a holiday. According to the calculations of the advertising office, if we followed the valuation of the packages, that is to say the results of Nielsen for individual matches, if we evaluated the ads according to the indications that we lost in terms of audience, we would gain 50%. less – said Kurski.

He pointed out that as a television they can no longer tolerate such a situation.

– I will inform our companies, overseeing that something needs to be done with the telemetry market in Poland. We are losing hundreds of millions of zlotys on the estimate of advertising, which is unfair in our opinion, resulting from the telematics monopoly that prevails in the market – added the chairman of TVP.


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