Pride of Poland for invitations and salty expenses. New rules


  The famous Pride of Poland auction out of reach of the usual Kowalski

The famous Pride of Poland auction out of reach of the ordinary Kowalski

There are no tickets for this year's Pride of Poland event in Janów Podlaski. There are invitations. To pay. How many? PLN 450.

This year's event in Janów Podlaski will take place at slightly different conditions. The invitations to receive from traders and horse breeders are not new. The auction can also be watched by the public, but – note – the number of seats, as Maciej said in June, from Michałów Stud, who is one of the organizers of the auction. event, will be limited.

"Kurier Lubelski" has managed to determine a man who does not come from the industry can enter – that is to say an ordinary Kowalski. The organizers have decided to expand the sector of viewers, but you must pay for the invitation. Bagatela, 450 PLN. In addition, to obtain them, you must first send a request to the following address: [email protected]

See also: The Revolution at the Auction of 2017 Pride of Poland horses

The four days of shows cost PLN 100, recalls the newspaper. If anyone wanted to enter the showroom solely for the Pride of Poland auction, he had to pay 50 zlotys. It was the same in 2017. The discounted ticket for children up to 12 years old was PLN 5, children up to the age of three were admitted free of charge. Well, the tickets could have been obtained on many online sales platforms.

In early June, it was strong that the auction did not take place under the name of Pride of Poland. The organizers have denied this information

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